The Alien Futa (Closed w/BubbleBelly321)

Getting dumped hurts, harshly, might I add. I don't know what I did wrong, what I did to deserve the...vitriol, when she was the one that cheated on me, not the other way around. I stare at the windows, while it was raining outside in the Valley Way bar of the city of Athonis. You may be asking yourself, who are you and what do you do? Well, thanks for asking, invisible person. My name is Naethan Aryen, a freelancer, illegal or not. 6'2", black hair, light brown eyes, light brown skin, of black descent. Wearing clothing that are similar to the very big classic movie, Star Wars, back when Earth wasn't nearly destroyed and everyone had to colonize on different planets in order to survive, but that was centuries ago. God, talking to imaginary people again, Naethan, are you? Must be alcohol taking effect . I want love; I'm 25, and I want real, genuine love. After everything I did for her, and that's how she repays me?

I turn away from the dreary darkness outside, and ask for more booze from the robot bartender.

Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin

The bartender moves quickly to grab a nearby bottle and pours the sad looking patron a glass of some amber colored liquid. From the other end of the counter, I scan the stranger up and down with my grey eyes. Well, even with how sad he seems, I can tell he's exactly the type of person I've been looking for. There's just something about him, but I have to get closer to be sure.

Taking a sip of my own drink, I stand up to my full 5'10" height. and wander over to the stranger. After fixing my long brown hair, I place a pale hand on the counter and sit right beside him with a soft smile.

"Looks like you've seen better days. Next 'round on me?" I silently hope he'll accept my offer, before motioning to the bartender.

(02-22-2019, 09:50 AM)BubbleBelly321 Wrote:  The bartender moves quickly to grab a nearby bottle and pours the sad looking patron a glass of some amber colored liquid. From the other end of the counter, I scan the stranger up and down with my grey eyes. Well, even with how sad he seems, I can tell he's exactly the type of person I've been looking for. There's just something about him, but I have to get closer to be sure.

Taking a sip of my own drink, I stand up to my full 5'10" height. and wander over to the stranger. After fixing my long brown hair, I place a pale hand on the counter and sit right beside him with a soft smile.

"Looks like you've seen better days. Next 'round on me?" I silently hope he'll accept my offer, before motioning to the bartender.

I turn to my left to see a woman beside me. Shoot, if she's paying she can go right ahead. " Thanks, for paying, my names Naethan, by the way; What's your name?", I say, giving her a small smile even though it doesn't reach my eyes.

Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin

"I'm Essa." I smile back as the bartender pours us each another drink. "So, family or love life? Trust me, those are the only things that can get a person looking that down." I move to take a sip of my drink, but pay close attention to this stranger's words and actions.

(02-22-2019, 10:02 AM)BubbleBelly321 Wrote:  "I'm Essa." I smile back as the bartender pours us each another drink. "So, family or love life? Trust me, those are the only things that can get a person looking that down." I move to take a sip of my drink, but pay close attention to this stranger's words and actions.

Why do I have this urge to tell her everything? She's only a stranger, and yet... I feel some type of connection with her. Fuck it, she's a stranger; we may not even see each other again for the rest of our lives.

I look at her thoughtfully, and say, "love life. Her name is Zeon Zanill, or ZZ, for short. She was my girlfriend, nearly, my fianceé. I was going to ask her to marry me, but I caught her with another, cheating. I thought she was the one, you know? I did everything for her; being the doting boyfriend, listening to her when she needed someone to talk to, loving her like a woman deserves to be loved, and she... repays me by that" I chuckle humorlessly. I turn away from Essa, staring off into space. "Love can make you blind to a lot of things..." I take a shot of my drink.

Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin

I nod my head, as I listen and feel a pang of sympathy for this young man's heartbreak. While never fully being able to experience such events myself, I could at least relate to not wanting to be alone. I took a sip of my own drink, then set down the glass and moved one of my own hands over Naethan's in a comforting gesture.

"My sympathies. It must be difficult...being betrayed like that." 

(02-22-2019, 10:21 AM)BubbleBelly321 Wrote:  I nod my head, as I listen and feel a pang of sympathy for this young man's heartbreak. While never fully being able to experience such events myself, I could at least relate to not wanting to be alone. I took a sip of my own drink, then set down the glass and moved one of my own hands over Naethan's in a comforting gesture.

"My sympathies. It must be difficult...being betrayed like that." 

I nod, sadly. I look down at our hands together, then look up back at her, and say, "I think it wouldn't hurt this much if Zeon and I didn't have so much history together. We've known each other since we were little kids. I don't know why she changed like this... Or, maybe I didn't notice the signs that she was pushing me away, and I was oblivious to that fact."

Hmm, the strange connection I have for this person feels stronger by just touching her hand. It actually feels kind of great, but... What is it?

I feel this strange emptiness all of a sudden... Like my body is waiting for something.

Yeah, I'n definitely on the drunk side of reality.

Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin

Sure enough, the second I touch his hand, I can tell that Naethan is exactly the person I'm looking for. I try not to show anything suspicious in my expression, but internally I'm thrilled beyond belief. 

Honestly, I was starting to give up hope. Still in terms of biology and hormones, we're perfect for each other. I need to move fast though.

Nodding my head again, I lean in closer to his face. "It's a shame she didn't appreciate you as she should have when you were together. But maybe there's some way for you to lick your wounds, so to speak?" 

(02-22-2019, 10:42 AM)BubbleBelly321 Wrote:  Sure enough, the second I touch his hand, I can tell that Naethan is exactly the person I'm looking for. I try not to show anything suspicious in my expression, but internally I'm thrilled beyond belief. 

Honestly, I was starting to give up hope. Still in terms of biology and hormones, we're perfect for each other. I need to move fast though.

Nodding my head again, I lean in closer to his face. "It's a shame she didn't appreciate you as she should have when you were together. But maybe there's some way for you to lick your wounds, so to speak?" 

I look at Essa intensely, taking my final shot of alcohol in front if her. I mean, I never had a one night stand before, might as well try it... I guess. This really isn't a good way to cope with my feelings because I know in the end, I'll still be alone when this is over. Don't think about anything else, Naethan; just nod your head, and say, "my place or yours?"

Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin

"How about yours? Mine's...a little under construction right now." Plus it's probably better if he's in a comfortable space once we get started.

In a flash, I pay the bartender with my card and stand up to exit the small bar. Before we go however, I loop my arm through Naethan's. This is partly so we can walk together, and partly so I that we can maintain physical contact and connect together a bit better.

(02-22-2019, 10:58 AM)BubbleBelly321 Wrote:  "How about yours? Mine's...a little under construction right now." Plus it's probably better if he's in a comfortable space once we get started.

In a flash, I pay the bartender with my card and stand up to exit the small bar. Before we go however, I loop my arm through Naethan's. This is partly so we can walk together, and partly so I that we can maintain physical contact and connect together a bit better.

I silently gasp alittle from the contact. What the hell are these feelings I have for this woman? They're good feelings, but why am I feeling like this?. The strange empty feeling in my gut is still there, getting progressively worse. I rub my stomach with my left hand. I ignore this persistent feeling, and hailed a cab for the both of us since my car was at my place; didn't want to drive home drunk, anyways. We came to my apartment building, a little on the decrepit side, but that's the life a freelancer, I guess. I get out first, taking her hand like the gentleman that I am, even while drunk, and lead to her to my "humble abode".

We went inside the apartment, and used the elevator to get to my room. Once we made it to my door, I unlocked it using my keys bringing her in.

Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin

The building itself doesn't look too bad, but it's clearly quiet inside, with very few people that seem more interested in minding their own business.

I thank the young man, as I enter his place. It's only when he closes the door behind him, that I move in quickly, kissing him and pressing myself close to him. He tastes so good, and I feel a strange fullness in my gut, my body clearly preparing for what's to come next. It's only once we separate, that I smile, and start to walk away.

"So...shall we just cut to the chase?" I tease, motioning towards the interior of his apartment.

(02-22-2019, 11:18 AM)BubbleBelly321 Wrote:  The building itself doesn't look too bad, but it's clearly quiet inside, with very few people that seem more interested in minding their own business.

I thank the young man, as I enter his place. It's only when he closes the door behind him, that I move in quickly, kissing him and pressing myself close to him. He tastes so good, and I feel a strange fullness in my gut, my body clearly preparing for what's to come next. It's only once we separate, that I smile, and start to walk away.

"So...shall we just cut to the chase?" I tease, motioning towards the interior of his apartment.

I'm nervous with this woman, but what do I have to lose? We'll never see each other again after this, but why does the thought of her leaving give me a sharp pain in my chest?

I grab her by the waist, and look into her eyes, "we shall". I chuckle at the end. I lead her to my bedroom, a little on the small side, almost not meant for two people to have sex in, but if I had more money, would you see me in this shit-hole of place I have to call home? I think not. When we get into my bedroom, I close the door behind us, but she immediately takes charge. She slams me against the door, not hard, but still firm, and looks seductively at me. I can feel myself harden at that look. What is she doing to me?

Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin

I can't help but smirk and chuckle with excitement, as i press the young man up against the wall, and plant another kiss on his mouth. It's only when I move to help take off his shirt that we separate. I then turn around and lift my hair, encouraging him to help me unzip my dress.

(02-25-2019, 09:08 AM)BubbleBelly321 Wrote:  I can't help but smirk and chuckle with excitement, as i press the young man up against the wall, and plant another kiss on his mouth. It's only when I move to help take off his shirt that we separate. I then turn around and lift my hair, encouraging him to help me unzip my dress.

When she lifted her hair, I took a real good look at her. She has a really nice body. I'm on her immediately, unzipping the back of her dress, nervous as hell. Why should I be nervous about this? It's not like I'm a virgin, so what's different? I suck in a quick breath once the dress is completely off, she was wearing nothing underneath!? Why didn't I notice sooner? Must be because I'm drunk. Essa turns back around to take off the gear I have on, and once I was completely naked, she threw me onto the bed. Damn, she's strong, I think, a bit dazed.

Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin

I couldn't help but smirk wider at seeing Naethan's bewildered expression, as I tossed him onto the bed. That expression quickly vanished though, once I moved in and began to straddle his hips. I kissed him, and cupped the sides of his face in my hands. It was only once we stopped to catch our breath, that i made my next move.

"Hey...roll over. I'd like to try something. If that's alright with you of course?"

(03-08-2019, 04:14 AM)BubbleBelly321 Wrote:  I couldn't help but smirk wider at seeing Naethan's bewildered expression, as I tossed him onto the bed.  That expression quickly vanished though, once I moved in and began to straddle his hips. I kissed him, and cupped the sides of his face in my hands. It was only once we stopped to catch our breath, that i made my next move.

"Hey...roll over. I'd like to try something. If that's alright with you of course?"

I was a little confused, but did as she asked. Once I did roll over, I was on my stomach. Is she going to give me a massage? I mean, I guess it's to loosen me up more, right? Get me even more in the mood, I guess. I feel content with this arrangement, again, why the hell is this woman making me feel...happy to be with her? By now, Essa is on top of me.

Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin

I smile softly at Naethan, as he flips over. It's clear he's a bit puzzled, but also that he seems to be reacting to the intense chemistry between us. I start kissing down the length of his spine, all the while kneading my hands into his back's muscles to help him relax.

It's only after a few minutes of this that i reach my hand down in between his backside, and start to rub my fingers up against his hole. Because of my biology, my fingers create some natural lubricant, and I begin the process of stretching him, so he's ready for the next part. Hoping to help him stay calm, i lean over and whisper in his ear.

"How does that feel? Let me know if I'm hurting you, okay?"

(03-13-2019, 10:39 PM)BubbleBelly321 Wrote:  I smile softly at Naethan, as he flips over. It's clear he's a bit puzzled, but also that he seems to be reacting to the intense chemistry between us. I start kissing down the length of his spine, all the while kneading my hands into his back's muscles to help him relax.

It's only after a few minutes of this that i reach my hand down in between his backside, and start to rub my fingers up against his hole. Because of my biology, my fingers create some natural lubricant, and I begin the process of stretching him, so he's ready for the next part. Hoping to help him stay calm, i lean over and whisper in his ear.

"How does that feel? Let me know if I'm hurting you, okay?"

As she kisses the length of my spine, I immediately tense up, but I relax as soon she kneads my back muscle. Shouldn't I be the one doing this to her? Why am I so...submissive? Why does it feel...right? As soon as I thought this, I feel her rub against my hole with something that's...slick and wet? I should be getting her off of me by now, but I don't. I'm just letting it happen. When she whispered in my ear, I turn my head a little, responding in a whisper, "It feels weird, Essa. I feel like I should be doing all this to you, but for some reason, I feel submissive in letting you do all this. I don't understand, but it feels right, Essa. I'll let you know if you're about to hurt me." I burrow my face into the covers, feeling myself blush in embarrassment and nervousness. What is she about to do?

Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin

I nod my head slowly. "Alright, just try to stay relaxed. I'll make sure to look after you." I whisper in his ear, before sitting up once more.

I slowly move, unsheathing my well hidden cock from between my legs. I only take a second to give my appendage a few good strokes, ensuring it's nice and slicked up, before I slowly start to press it against Naethan's now nicely stretched hole. It doesn't take a long time at all until I'm moaning as I feel myself filling up the tight space inside this human. It's honestly like nothing else I've ever felt before, only cementing the feeling that I made the right choice with this one.

"Oh...oh my god." I continue to moan, as I press myself in closer. " feel so good Naethan."

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