Parasite "Babies" (Closed w/PoisonElixir19)
(02-25-2019, 11:36 PM)PoisonElixir19 Wrote: What was wrong, that's the million dollar question. I was gonna ask more about his race, his home planet and what would happen to mine when my stomach made a low growl followed by a gurgle and some violent movement. I double over in pain "babe, what's happening?" That was the question I opted for. C helped me to the table where I lay down. My stomach moved, changing shape and bulges forming as a array of weird noises came from it. It felt like all the babies where pushing for room. Then it began, a growth. And a proper one. It started slow at first, but it sped up and soon I was big. I was the size of a 9 month pregnant woman with an oversized baby. It hurt, and after the growth they wouldn't calm down. It was as if it wasn't enough. Throughout the ordeal, I screamed and moaned and thrashed on the table, my belly completely out of control

I held onto Devan as he thrashed around, watching my spawn hurt it's mother. They're not suppose to grow so big, so soon. I can't tell if I should be proud or terriified at this moment. I hear them growling loudly, moving around in unison. I start seeing angry looking stretch marks on my beloved. I immediately deep kiss Devan, not in pleasure, but in desperation to release the hormones to calm our spawn down. By now, Devan is in tears from the pain he had to endure. The hormones worked, but anyone can tell that he did not gain weight naturally. Movement is still felt underneath, both of us seeing small bulges and a shape changing belly.
Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin
I feel the hormones flood through me as they calm the children. After C realeses me from the kiss, I rub my belly "What do we do now? Anyone can see I haven't gained weight" I sit up slowly
(02-26-2019, 12:28 AM)PoisonElixir19 Wrote: I feel the hormones flood through me as they calm the children. After C realeses me from the kiss, I rub my belly "What do we do now? Anyone can see I haven't gained weight" I sit up slowly

I frown, thinking about what to do next. I kneel, facing Devan's stomach, touching his sides, both of us seeing his stomach roll with movement from within. Devan tenses in discomfort, touching my hands that are on his sides. Gentle gurgling can be heard in him. I look up at Devan's eyes, and say, "well, Devan, since it's still daytime, I was thinking we could both wait in the ship till nighttime to go to a..."clothing store"? Is that correct? Some of these "clothing stores" must have, um, "baggy clothing", yes? I don't understand why you humans call them "baggy clothing" when they don't even look like bags. I need some clothing, too; you can only go so far with blending in if people start noticing you're wearing the same clothes everyday. That just implies that you're "unhygenic", correct? Now, to be honest, I would prefer you to stay on the ship where I know you're safe and sound, but at the same time, my ship is dangerous until I tell you every feature, and what not to touch, my love. One of these buttons on the panel you just touched could easily demolish a building, you were lucky you somehow turned off the medical bay." I kiss his newly formed stretch marks, in an apology for ruining his beautiful body. I look into his eyes, "I am so sorry, Devan. I didn't mean for you to be like this. If I would have known that this would happen to you, I wouldn't have gotten you pregnant in the first place." I feel tears, roll down my cheeks; not realizing I was crying.
Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin
"Hey hey hey, come on now. It isn't all that bad, really. I'm fine, it just a bit of getting used to is all" I smile at him and carefully wipe his eyes. "It's a perfect plan, so let's just stay here." I smile "and when we go to the shops, let me choose your clothes. You'll do it wrong  and make a mess." I laugh and kiss you lightly "Now how's about you help me outt of these tight clothes huh?"
(02-27-2019, 08:03 PM)PoisonElixir19 Wrote: "Hey hey hey, come on now. It isn't all that bad, really. I'm fine, it just a bit of getting used to is all" I smile at him and carefully wipe his eyes. "It's a perfect plan, so let's just stay here." I smile "and when we go to the shops, let me choose your clothes. You'll do it wrong  and make a mess." I laugh and kiss you lightly "Now how's about you help me outt of these tight clothes huh?"

I quickly nod in agreement, giving his stomach a quick peck; his stomach starts vibrating a little, causing Devan to start rubbing his stomach to calm the vibrations caused by our spawn. I get up off the floor to help Devan take his shirt and pants off as well as his shoes; his shirt taking a little longer to get off, but I got it off him, gently. Devan, in all his gorgeous glory. A small smile appeared on my face as I say, "now, are you hungry, do you want an animal or human? Or, do you need some loving, my Visina? Now...I prefer some loving since my "sperm" can give them nutrients, but it's not really enough for them, just enough to sustain them for a few hours, which is good for us to make time fly, my love." At the end, I smile a seductive smile, hugging Devan, feeling his stomach move.
Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin
I smile "I'm craving human flesh babe... well, they're craving. After I've eaten I'll want some loving" I rub my slowly moving belly lovingly "soon babies soon" 
(03-03-2019, 12:21 AM)PoisonElixir19 Wrote: I smile "I'm craving human flesh babe... well, they're craving. After I've eaten I'll want some loving" I rub my slowly moving belly lovingly "soon babies soon" 

I pull back to watch his stomach move, and I lean down to give his belly a quick peck as well as Devan's lips. "I'll be back, my love; I would prefer to stay here with you, but you and our spawn need sustenance right now." I rub his sides, then I get out of the ship. My eyes turn black, and I think, protective mode. The ship instantly turns invisible, when it normally turns invisible when I'm far away from it. The ship has weapons at the ready if it deems something or someone a threat if they have the intent of doing something evil; ordered to kill, if the situation calls for it. My eyes change back to its blue color again. Now, to find three people to be victims; two for Devan, and one for me, I think. It's still day time, so this requires me to be more discreet in who's my prey. I'll need to mind control some of the people in the college, maybe two girls, and one boy, I smile, my sharp teeth showing. Can't wait to eat some human. It takes me a little bit to get out of the woods, but once I'm out, I go into the college. Once inside, I start smelling for some decent prey, looking around at anyone I think could be worthy; I want my mate to have the best of the best, anyways. I finally found two girls talking and laughing down the hallway, heading towards the "restroom". I follow them, but not too close. When they're inside the "restroom", I look around my surroundings, then my eyes immediately turn black and I go in. Two minutes later, I walk out with the two girls in tow; both of them with a blank expression in their eyes, and my eyes back to their blue color. As we're walking to the boy's dorm, I smelt a fine specimen of male, a "jock", I believe the humans call them. Perfect for my Devan, I grin, blood lust almost filling my senses. The "jock" is walking past us, but just before he fully past us, my eyes flash black, and I say in his head, stop, and do what I say, you have no free will, you are mine, human. Luckily, there wasn't anyone outside in the hallway of the boy's dorm room. The jock had the same look of the girl's expression. "You three are coming with me", I smile, devilishly. We soon came to the ship, when there were no complications getting to it in the first place. My eyes turn black, as I think, protective mode off. The ship turns back to normal almost instantly, opening its entrance, I go inside with the others, the door automatically going back up to close. I call out to, Devan, letting him know I'm here with three others.
Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin
I walk out in just my boxers. My stomach instantly growls as the three people stand in front of me. I look at C with a wicked smile "The boy and the blonde girl are mine" I say before walking over and grabbing their hands. The children inside me seem to do somersaults from hunger and happiness, I then look to my boyfriend "Is there anywhere we can... tend to them on the ship? Like a big room that it doesn't matter if it gets dirty?"
(03-03-2019, 10:52 PM)PoisonElixir19 Wrote: I walk out in just my boxers. My stomach instantly growls as the three people stand in front of me. I look at C with a wicked smile "The boy and the blonde girl are mine" I say before walking over and grabbing their hands. The children inside me seem to do somersaults from hunger and happiness, I then look to my boyfriend "Is there anywhere we can... tend to them on the ship? Like a big room that it doesn't matter if it gets dirty?"

I nod, my sharp teeth showing. "Yes, my love. The torture chamber is right this way." I grabbed the brunettes hand, the third human's, and led Devan and the two other food sources towards the torture chamber. The torture chamber was below the medical bay, so all five of us went down, what Devan would call, elevator essentially; we just beamed down to it from a room that was right next to the medical bay. I loved Devan's expression of awe, I smugly smiled at that. Once we were there, Devan gasped at how big it was and looked all around us nervously. The torture chamber was huge, and in the middle were 10 bed-like pods that had holes underneath, there were also huge machinery above them with the lights shown on the beds. "It's going to be alright, Devan; you're not getting on these pods if it's the last thing I do." I went behind him to put my hand, that wasn't holding the girl's hand behind my back. We made it to all the pods in no time. I quickly put the humans in the pods in no time, locking them in metal clamps from the arms, wrist, legs, and ankles. I walk towards a panel that controls the chamber, then I stop in front of it, and I ask him, "so, my love, how would you like me to cut them up? Lazors, spikes, or other, and the other is a surprise." I turn to look at him with false innocence in my eyes.

(Sorry for the long wait, I've been busy; family and school reasons)

[The Torture Chamber (imagine the middle of it with 10 bed-like, sci-fi looking pods):
Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin
I smile, my stomach gurgling happily "Lazors please" and I watch happily as the lazors dice them into small bite size chunks. When C said I could, I went over and opened the pod containing the blonde girl. I instantly began stuffing my face with her flesh, moaning as my cock hardened and the babies kicked. I decided to jerk off as I finished the girl and moved onto the man. I niticed C watching me and called him over. Without saying anything I wrapped his hand around my cock do he could rub me while I ate. The man tasted so much better, and my stomach bloated massively from eating them. Shortly after finishing both, I orgasmed and cum ran onto C's hand
(03-08-2019, 07:37 PM)PoisonElixir19 Wrote: I smile, my stomach gurgling happily "Lazors please" and I watch happily as the lazors dice them into small bite size chunks. When C said I could, I went over and opened the pod containing the blonde girl. I instantly began stuffing my face with her flesh, moaning as my cock hardened and the babies kicked. I decided to jerk off as I finished the girl and moved onto the man. I niticed C watching me and called him over. Without saying anything I wrapped his hand around my cock do he could rub me while I ate. The man tasted so much better, and my stomach bloated massively from eating them. Shortly after finishing both, I orgasmed and cum ran onto C's hand

By now, my penis was standing at attention, watching Devan as he cums into my hand. Devan's stomach starts loudly gurgling and bloating, moving even; from the raw meat. Good, I thought in contentment. For about a few seconds, I became a little concerned. Devan should not be this big at this stage, but hopefully, Devan will be alright by the time he goes into labor. Reality set in when Devan's ass pushed up against me, my penis in between his ass cheeks. I slowly wrap my arms around him, feeling our spawn move around. I lean into his ears, and say in a deeper voice, "our children are really active today, aren't they, Devan?" I thrust a little forcefully in between his ass cheeks, causing Devan to moan. I grip his stomach, and lean into his left ear, "are you ready, my Visina? Our spawn needs there sire's seed", I lick his ear after I say it.
Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin
I moan, beghing for my boyfriend to drill me. "Please baby... go hard, fill me full of your seed. Oh God, they want it so bad" I kissed him passionately on the mouth as my hands explored his body. Then, with a smile, I bent over the table. Slowly, I felt C's dick enter my ass and I moaned again, loud to let him know how much I enjoyed it
(03-31-2019, 06:11 PM)PoisonElixir19 Wrote: I moan, beghing for my boyfriend to drill me. "Please baby... go hard, fill me full of your seed. Oh God, they want it so bad" I kissed him passionately on the mouth as my hands explored his body. Then, with a smile, I bent over the table. Slowly, I felt C's dick enter my ass and I moaned again, loud to let him know how much I enjoyed it

When I felt my dick get inside Devan's tight heat, I thrusted back, then forcefully went back in again. Devan's body was moving in sync with my own, his stomach was a separate entity all together, loud and deep groaning noises could be heard from within. Devan was moaning his little heart out, as my dick got bigger, and thicker. It changed shape inside Devan, causing him to make this confused sound, but I increased the speed of my thrust, slapping his ass, bringing him back to the ecstasy he was feeling a few seconds before. I could feel my time to climax come; I felt some of my body parts change to my "alien" form as some of the humans would call it, like my eyes, my claws, my teeth. Devan was unresponsive when I hit the spot inside him that made him incoherent. I knew that in a few seconds, I wasn't going to last, and with a mighty roar, I released my seed inside Devan, giving our children their sire's nutrients. Devan went limp and passed out; I immediately caught him in my arms. I dragged my left claw hand, gently, over Devan's big belly. "Hmm, it appears, Devan that its grown a little should come back down once our children have absorbed the seed." Knowing I won't get a response, my statement was left in the air. I picked Devan up, bridal style, and carried him to one of the rooms that have the pod-like beds for Devan to lay on. When inside, the lights immediately turned on, and I walked towards one of the pod-like beds and laid him on it, his big belly prominent with a lot of movement. I stared stoicly at his stomach, afraid of what will happen in the next coming of months, of the future. I leaned forward, and gently kissed Devan on the forehead, and went to sit in one the chairs right next to his bed, changing back into my human form, completely. I brought my hand down to hold his hand, and I pecked it. The movement from his belly was so deeply concerning.
Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin
After half an hour or so of unconsciousness, I stirred slowly to find Carter next me. I looked around groggily, not too sure where I was, I looked at my boyfriend with a confused look "babe where are we?" I asked before growning and rubbing my belly "god they're so active" I winced a little and my belly changed into various shapes.
(04-02-2019, 10:21 PM)PoisonElixir19 Wrote: After half an hour or so of unconsciousness, I stirred slowly to find Carter next me. I looked around groggily, not too sure where I was, I looked at my boyfriend with a confused look "babe where are we?" I asked before growning and rubbing my belly "god they're so active" I winced a little and my belly changed into various shapes.

I was looking at Devan's belly for that half an hour, and when he talked to me, my eyes slowly turned to him. "We're in what your species would call a "bedroom", since this ship is big, it accommodates a lot of my kind or any other species that can fit these pods." My eyes went back to his ever-moving belly. "I'm deeply worried about you, Devan. Our children should not have grown inside you this quickly. I'm happy that they're alive, active, and healthy, but I'm afraid of the future for you, your well-being." I leaned forward, deep kissing Devan, sending pheromones into him to calm our children down. After the kiss, Devan moaned in content from the kiss and the relief of the pain.
Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin
Hearing the worry in C's voice made me anxious, and I was about to ask him what was wrong when the kiss swept me away. This fiery kiss.was.passionate and seductive yet seemed to calm my children, like the night in the woods. When he pulled back I was dazed, and it took me a moment to gather myself. After a second, I said cautiously "what did you do to the children? And why are you so worried? Isn't my pregnancy normal?"
(04-04-2019, 08:16 PM)PoisonElixir19 Wrote: Hearing the worry in C's voice made me anxious, and I was about to ask him what was wrong when the kiss swept me away. This fiery kiss.was.passionate and seductive yet seemed to calm my children, like the night in the woods. When he pulled back I was dazed, and it took me a moment to gather myself. After a second, I said cautiously "what did you do to the children? And why are you so worried? Isn't my pregnancy normal?"

I leaned back in my chair, relaxed, staring at Devan. "When I kissed you, my Visina, I sent out my pheromones that calmed our children down; it's odorless, and tasteless, so it's not noticable to you, but our children feel it. Now, I'm worried because our children should not have grown this big from the start, so no, Devan, your pregnancy is not normal. I would need to do some testing on you soon to figure out why they're so big in what is, essentially, your first trimester. I have no idea if they only need to grow a little more, and they stay like this for the rest of the pregnancy, which is an ideal scenario for the both of us, or you continue to keep growing. I fear your body won't be able to take the strain of carrying our growing babies soon; your body can barely carry them as they are right now." I kissed his hand that was in mine. "Luckily, Devan, my species technology is a lot more superior than your offense, so it will be easier to take care of you and keep you alive - you won't die, not if I can help it; I just found my mate after a thousand years, you're not leaving me that quick." I smiled at him lovingly, chuckling a little.
Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin
I try to find light in the situation "Well I'm gald you love me enough to keep me living after I agree to carry your children" I say joking. I rub a hand over the globe of my belly "let's get me tested and find out what's happening, we need to be prepared"
(05-01-2019, 06:21 PM)PoisonElixir19 Wrote: (Bump) 

I slowly grabbed Devan, bringing him up, and out of the bed. Devan huffed and he puffed trying to breathe from the added weight. With my strength, I picked him up bridal style, and I walked us towards the ultrasound sound machine again. When we got there again, I laid him back down, kissing him on the forehead in the process. Devan was smiling at me after I did that. A small smile was upon my face as I brought up the panel to start up the ultrasound machine to see the babies again. The babies came back up on the screen again in all their glory. I pressed a few buttons, and the capsule brought out a syringe. Devan looked at it, horrified. "Don't worry, my Visina. It's like one of your species needles - it will be quick and painless. I just need to do some blood work on you to see if your DNA is what's causing them to grow so big. I also need to do one on myself, too." I maneuvered the syringe to his right arm, and quickly poked him with it. Devan flinched a little, but he wasn't hurt, which he seemed a bit surprised by it. I snickered at him. "It will only take a moment to see if anything in your DNA has an abnormality to it. In the meantime, I know this is late to ask, but are you truly happy carrying our children? They're hurting you as we speak." I nervously say.
Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:

Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)

Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)

Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)

Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)

Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it. Big Grin

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