C Love, Coffee and Baby [closed with Whoknows]

Aiden moaned quietly and then looked at him with his eyes closed: “Okay, it’s better.” He answered and then touched his cheek, “Will you hug my waist?”

First he turned the lighs off then got under the duvet on the other side of the bed. He wrapped his arm around Aiden’s waist, “like this?” He murmured into his ear.

“So good...” He murmured happily and with a small smile he fell asleep near Andrew. Aiden thought it would only be nice days with wonderful moments.

Andrew heard what Aiden had murmured and smiled, he then rubbed his boyfriends baby bump and dozed off.

Aiden’s illness survived well, thanks to Andrews' help. The pregnant man’s neighbors repaired the disturbance and he was able to return to his home. Also for work. They often met at one’s home and spent a lazy time together.

That morning was Friday, and Aiden had a day off and was just about to go to the infusion and examination. He waited outside the block for Andrew to go with him.

As Andrew pulled up he saw Aiden standing outside waiting, he walked over as he caught Aiden’s attention. “Hey sweetheart” Andrew greeted and held onto his hand. “Are you ready to go inside?”

Aiden at the sight smiled wide and kissed his cheek gently “Mhm” he nodded and then put his hand on his larger belly. His son really grew up in his lap

Andrew rubbed his pregnant lovers stomach and smiled “they have definitely grown”. They both made their way to the seating to wait for the doctor to call out Aiden’s name, with Andrews arm wrapped around him.

When he was called, he got up and grabbed Andrews' hand. They went to the office, and the nurse greeted them politely. First, Aiden’s blood pressure was measured and a small blood sample was taken for analysis. He was also weighed and his tummy circumference measured. “He’s getting bigger and bigger!” she said positively surprised as she removed the tape measure from his tummy. “You take care of your boyfriend”, she told Andrew.

“I do try” Andrew grinned, seemingly proud of Aiden’s progress. Almost as if he was telling Aiden this, he kissed him on the forehead. “Well done” he murmured low enough for only his boyfriend to hear.

Aiden blushed and then he touched his belly, which became like a balloon. Before the doctor came, it was time for the infusion and the child’s heart rate. Aiden entered the bed with the help of the nurse and Andrew, where the straps were immediately placed around his stomach and a venflon was stabbed in his hand
”Until the drip is over, he should have these straps around his stomach, okay?” she told Andrew as she left the office.

Andrew nodded at the nurse. “What is all this for?” He asked, “what does it actually do?”

“The drip strengthens him and the baby, and the straps check the baby’s pulse... Closer and closer to birth”, she explained, leaving their alone.

“Oh that’s good” Andrew thought aloud. “Do you want to watch Netflix on my phone?” He asked Aiden,” I assume this will take a while”.

“Sure!” he said aloud, and when Andrew sat down next to him, he looked at his phone.

About halfway through the film they chose, the drip ran out of liquid,” do we call the nurse back?” Andrew questioned. As he stood up to look into the hallway, the nurse returned with the actual doctor.

“I’ll turn off the drip...” said the nurse, and then she took care of the venflon and also the belts. She gave the doctor the results of the babys' heart rate. “We’re going to the chair for the ultrasound”, she answered and helped Aiden up. The doctor read all the results

Andrew stood up and followed Aiden over to the chair. He helped Aiden up onto it before sitting down on a nearby seat and holding on his hand.

Aiden looked at Andrew and smiled slightly at his partner. “Do you have a lot to catch up on at work for today’s day off?” he asked him and then watched as the nurse began to prepare the equipment.

“Not really, I’m only missing out on a meeting but it can be rescheduled”. He replied, “plus I’d rather be here”. Andrew gave Aiden’s hand a little squeeze as he watched the nurse applied the gel to his his stomach.

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