Open Birth Clinic..........A midwife opens her doors (CLOSED MPREG-RP)

Sophia nodded and waited for some seconds. "Okay, that's what I've thought.........I think, we should now do the ultrasonic-testing", she said with a gentle smile and carefully removed the speculum from Jeff's rectum.

Then, she stood up, placed it on the cupboard and took the movable ultrasonic device, which was placed at one of the walls in the room. She rolled it over next to the bed and took the sensor from it, before lubricating it with a special contact gel. "Okay, Jeff. Please pull up your shirt a bit, so that I can do the exam. You will see, this one is not even uncomfortable. To be honest with you, it's quite cool, because you will be able to see your baby for the very first time", she explained and smiled to take some of his anxiety.

Jeff lifted his shirt up to his chest, showing his bare belly to Sophie for the first time. Even at six months, Jeff's belly stuck out from his otherwise thin frame, covered in occasional stretchmarks, veins barely visible through his pale skin, and a pinkish linea negra that ran down his belly from his ribcage to his groin over his now flattened belly button. Jeff felt Sophie press the ultrasound wand against his belly just below his navel, the cold, greasy gel giving Jeff goosebumps. The ultrasound screen lit up with static as Sophie began her examination of Jeff's womb, the muffled, flowing and popping sounds of the doppler filling the small examination room. Jeff at first looked away from the screen but soon found the curiosity too much to resist, peeking at the screen to see inside him.

(02-03-2014, 01:28 PM)itssophie90 Wrote:  
(02-03-2014, 08:21 AM)Amadog19 Wrote:  (Is it too late to join the RP?)

For this one, yes. I am sorry. But I will open up another cool one, would that be fine for you ?? :)

Fantastic! :D Just let me know.

When Sophie saw Jeff's curious sight, she couldn't help but smile.
"Do you like what you see ??", she asked, waiting for his answer to explain some things to him.............

Jeff looked intently at the screen, then eagerly at Sophie, a look of curiosity and bewilderment in his eyes. "To be honest, I have no idea what I'm looking at, let alone hearing." Jeff said almost on the verge of a chuckle.

Sophie began to giggle. "Of course. I am sorry. Well, what you see here on the screen is the inside of your belly...........and what you hear is the heartbeat of your baby", she answered with a big smile.
"Do you want me to show you, where your baby is ??", she asked the young and shy father to be.

"Yeah" Jeff said, intrigued. "So that's the baby's heartbeat? It's beating fast" Jeff replied, his curiosity peaked.

Sophie nodded and smiled about his fascination. "Yes, that's normal. A baby's heart beats about 130 times per minute, whereas the heart of an adult beats about 60-70 times per minute. So that's quite normal", she explained and smiled at him.
Then she looked at the monitor. "Okay, now I will show you your baby", she said and started scanning his belly, by pressing the sensor a bit harder onto Jeff's belly. She looked at the picture. "Okay, so here you can see.........oh...........", she hesitated and seemed to be shocked............

"What is it?" Jeff asked, suddenly very anxious, seeming even protective of the potential harm this surprise might post to his unborn child. "Is something wrong!?" Jeff peered at the ultrasound screen, unable to make sense of the grainy image he looked at.

Sophie didn't answer at first and hated herself at the same time for doing that and for scaring Jeff that way, but she wasn't sure herself, if it was real, what she saw on the monitor..........
She took a closer look and tried to understand what she saw........and then.........then she finally discovered it...........

She started to smile. "Oh my God,'re're gonna have twins...........", she whispered with a smile.

Jeff gripped his belly, looking at it in disbelief. "Twins....I...I...I think I'm going to faint" Jeff said suddenly slouching back against the examination table while the room spun around him. Then blackness.

Jeff woke up to find a cold washcloth on his forehead, Sophie looking over him anxiously. "You alright?" She asked as he looked around the room. "You need me to repeat what I said before you passed out?" Sophie asked. "No, I remember it" Jeff said, totally overwhelmed by the prospect of carrying twins, let alone one child. "So what do I do now?" Jeff asked, struggling to find the words to say. "And how do I keep my pregnancy hidden? I'm going to be fucking huge!" Jeff said, his voice mixed with fear, anger, and helplessness.

Sophia would have expected a lot, but to have a fainting patient was a surprise. She got quite a shock, but she was happy to get him back quite quickly.

While he was gone, she had laid a blanket over his body to keep the temperature at a normal level. His legs were yet in the stirrups to avoid any problems with his circulation.
It hurt her a lot, that Jeff was now more desperate than before, but she had an idea........furthermore, she had to tell him something anyway..........

"Jeff, just calm down and relax. Everything is going to be alright. Believe me. You are a young and very brave man and I have to say..........yes, I really have to say, that I admire you for your courage and your braveness. Dealing with a pregnancy is not easy anyway, but dealing with a pregnancy and going to college and having the burden to hide it all the time is just insane...........", she said and closed her eyes for a second, moved by the story of this beautiful young and brave man.

Then she opened them again. " won't have to hide it any can stay here. The center has enough rooms and........and you can just stay and live here for free and give birth to your babies..........and after that........after that, we will find a solution", she whispered and bent down, pushing this one important thing she wanted to tell him aside for some seconds, and just giving him a strong and lovely hug.............

Jeff embraced Sophie, feeling her warmth against his as he slowly realized his situation didn't look at bleak as he thought it did. "I can?" Jeff asked, still in disbelief. Slowly he was making sense of what Sophie had said and realizing things that things were going to get better. Jeff smiled at Sophie, a look of growing relief in his eyes "so, what do we do now?"

Sophie nodded and smiled, while getting up again. "Yes, you can", she answered and smiled, happy to see the happiness in his face.........a face that hasn't smiled very often during the last couple of months..........a face that had to witness intolerance and cruel behavior from other people........a face that was ready to show every emotion to help those two tiny human beings under his heart into the world............

Sophie took a deep breath. "Well, we will bring you into one of the rooms. So that you can get comfortable..........but there is another thing, won't be long anymore until the birth of your babies. The signs your body shows tell me, that it could be time in the next week or even already in this don't wait for your belly growing even bigger or for reaching the 38th week", she explained as friendly as possible not to scare him again.

Jeff held his belly as he felt his heart race at the feeling of the two tiny lives growing and kicking under his skin. "Really? These babies could be here that soon?" Jeff said, suddenly grasping the magnitude of the task before him. "Besides moving in here, what will I need to do to get ready? It's not like I've been reading 'pregnancy week-by-week' and going to Lamaze classes for the past six months. Heck I don't even know what I'm supposed to eat. Or not eat. Or do or not do. To be honest, I don't even know the first thing about how to care for a baby either."

Sophie smiled and shook her head. "'s alright, Jeff", she whispered and smiled, while stroking his strong shoulder.
"First of all, don't say "THESE babies"..........these are not any babies..........these are YOUR babies.............and don't just say "These babies could be here soon"...........just say "I am going to be a FATHER soon"............and that's what will are going to be a of the most beautiful things in life you could imagine", she whispered and gently smiled at him to calm his poor heart, before she continued.
"You don't have to be scared. There is no need in reading those books, etc., because in the end, your body will tell you what is the best for you and your babies...........Furthermore, we have a very competent staff in our clinic, which will work with you and answer all your questions. You can ask them, or........if you don't like this idea.......then you can just ask me.........ask me as your friend", she whispered and smiled.

Jeff smiled, beginning to come to terms with the situation. "I think I'd like to ask you on how to prepare to become a father" Jeff said softly to Sophie. "So now that we know I'm having twins, is there anything else you need to check up on me?"

Sophie smiled too and nodded. "Alright, then I will help you with that", she said and nodded. "Well, to be honest I should just check on the twins and their position in your belly............but there is another thing we could do: We could see, if those two are boys or girls or a boy and a girl", she said and started to giggle about herself and this quite strange way of formulating her explanation.

"Let's do that" Jeff said smiling, "I want to learn more about my babies." Jeff said as he turned to the ultrasound screen and Sophie placed the ultrasound wand against his belly again.

Sophie nodded with a smile and placed the sensor against Jeff's belly. She looked at the monitor and almost investigated the picture on it. Then after some time she started smiling. "Okay.........that looks quite good actually. Your babies lie in good position", she explained and smiled, noticing, that he got a bit more relaxed now. Then she took a closer look at the sex of the babies...........
"Oh, well..........that's cool, I think you will like that: You are going to be the father of two baby boys", she said and started to laugh. "Well, at least you can play soccer with them and do those guy-things", she joked.

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