Mpreg Sport Marathon (closed with missingyou421)

Josh saw terrified look and him hold his belly tight and spoke up "why did this happen. Will there be any complications?"

Doctor: "some people just develop quicker. It has something to do with their body chemistry and their shouldn't be any complications"

Josh let out a sigh of relief, Nate had been his best friend for years and he could not imagine losing him.

Nate thanked the doctor then got up "Hey man we got a game to finish" He says to Josh and heads back towards the field

Josh heads back to the field with Nate rubbing his growing gut, his shirt was barely covering his navel. He doubted that it would in an hour but that is the price to pay to grow with four babies, big babies he could tell already. "You mean a game to win" Josh corrected Nate. Looking at the field he saw that the Giants were still at bat and he would be back up soon if the pace held up.

"Yeah a game to win" Nate smiled at his friends correction. He sits back on the bench and rubs his belly thinking about what the doctor told him for a minute before trying to put his head back in the game.

Josh sat next to Nate and decided to ask Nate "how are you taking this?" He hoped that he had had enough time to think about it.

"I'll be fine. I just need to focus on the game until I cant play" Nate says trying to sound confidant

"Good" Josh said for a lack of a better response. He watched as their batter hit, it flew into the outfield and bounced. As the enemy team caught it the player was on first base, but second base was too slow and that was the second out. Josh got up and walked with his bat to home plate.

"Come on Josh you got this!" Nate says deciding to pay more attention to the game then the problems with his pregnancy

After one ball Josh struck the ball and ran for first base. In the outfield, two players were running after the ball but neither of them caught it. Josh noticed when one of the had the ball, second base was safe but he still had a ways to go. Taking a deep breath he lunged forward, sliding most of the way and barely touching the base in time. He pulled the rest of himself to the base, stood up, and brushed dirt off his shirt and exposed belly before noticing the rut he dug in the ground. Nate was now at bat, Josh yelled "take me home" to cheer him on.

Nate points out across the field with his bat to signal he will be sending them both home at this at bat and smiles. He gets ready and waits for the first pitch feeling his stomach flips when he swings through the first one. He regroups himself and fouls of the next. "Come on Nate" he says trying to calm himself down. The third pitch comes and he barely fouls it off. The next pitch and there is full on contact. He runs and sees out of the corner of his eye that it is down in the left field corner and no one was even close to there yet so he keeps running to second then to third. He looks over again and sees the relay back into the infield hasn't even started yet. He runs hoping he can beat the relay and slides into home plate just in time.

Josh was waiting on Nate as he picked himself up and congratulated him on his second home run of the game.

"thanks dude. It was harder to run that time though" Nate says supporting his back as they walk back to the dug out

"I know, did you see the rut I left behind me?" Josh said.

Nate laughs a little "yeah I did"

"Are you saying I'm fat?!" Josh said in a mock accusing-hurt voice.

Nate laughs and playfully backhands Josh on the arm "Come on dude at least you aren't some 'special' person who's belly grows faster than everyone elses" He says trying to make Josh feel better but making himself feel worse in the process

Noticing the change in the tone at the end of that statement, Josh replied "at least you will be able to walk normal first." Then putting his arm around Nate adds "and you won't have to put up with the backache as long."

"true but I will most likely miss the end of the game"

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