Mpreg Sport Marathon (closed with missingyou421)

Josh manages to hit the ball on the first swing, but he swings his whole body and feels his belly swing with the momentum. The ball goes between the center fielder and left fielder but Josh can only make it to first base because of his huge belly.

Nate sees this and waddles out to the plate, having another hard contraction when he gets there. He swings through three balls and is call out. He sighs and goes back to the dug out

Josh was supporting his back after the fast waddling made it hurt when he saw Nate come to bat. 'Why, he was supposed to stay out this half' went through his head. When Nate struck out he knew something was wrong.

Nate sits on the bench in the dug out rubbing his belly, he knew that people were going to question him now but he was determined to finish this game even if he had to hold in the babies.

Josh makes it to third base but the batter that would have taken him home got the third out. Josh 'ran,' not that evan a snail would call it running, when he got to the dugout he laid down on the floor getting some relief for his aching back, thankful for the brief intermission between half-innings now in place. Looking up at Nate he said "tell me what is wrong, now Nate."

"Just a little pain. No big deal" Nate lies feeling another contraction coming up "hhhggggnnnn" he tries to not attract too much attention to himself

"Yea right, YOU don't strike out. And don't think that I did not see that." Josh said this and began to prop himself up "now tell me what is wrong or I will get up and tell a nurse what I think is wrong." In order to lighten the mood he added "even if it takes me an hour to get up."

"I'm in labor" Nate finally admits "But I'm fine. I can finish the game"

"You don't need to put yourself OR the babies in danger like that! Why are you doing this to yourself?" Josh was relieved that Nate finally admitted this.

"Because I want to finish the game. Its what I came here for. I can finish the game its almost over and the pain isn't that bad"

Josh could not argue with this, even if it was a bad reason "just promise me you will not hurt yourself."

"I promise. Everything will be fine alright? Labor takes a while right?"

"It can, but I heard of some being extremely quick to. Something about the individuality of the children and how the body takes to it." Josh was suddenly glad he had researched the pills when Nate got him to sign up.

"Well the contractions aren't that close and my water hasn't broken yet. I think I can finish the game and I want to at least try" Nate says, almost asking Josh's permission

"I hope you can" Josh could not help but fell that this was a bad idea but he was not going to push him.

Nate gets up and goes to put his gear on, having a contraction as he does

(sorry I thought I had replied.... im dumb)

Josh struggles to get up off the ground until someone helps him. He grabs his gear and makes his way to first base, his hand on his back the whole way to support his belly.

Nate goes back behind home plate and gets back in the squat ready for the next inning. Right before the inning starts Nate feels another contraction. He grabs his knees and tries to pant through the contraction

Josh is looking at his teams heavily pregnant bellies from first base. When he looks at home plate he sees Nate clutching his knees from what he assumes is a contraction, while he feels bad for Nate he can't help but think, 'I knew it was a bad idea.'

Nate's contraction finally eases and the game continues during the inning he has two more hard contraction that he tries his best to breathe through so he doesn't bring too much attention to himself

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