Obsession (closed with Missingyou)

Reiji finishes eating, and his child moves inside him. Once again, he falls asleep.

Kayo works through the week still setting up shack, only stopping to feed the young boy

Reiji continued to eat when he was given food, and sleep most of the times after. He was getting more calm with the situation but was still somewhat uncomfortable about the events as well.

Kayo enters Reiji's room and sits on the bed next to him, reaching out to touch his belly

Reiji wakes up, fear is in his eyes, but he tries to be calm. "Hello" he says.

Kayo doesn't speak, he just rubs the young boys belly

Reiji is not used to Kayo being silent, it makes him uncomfortable. Despite this, he lays still and says nothing, not wanting to provoke the man who could probably silence him with zero hesitation or effort.

After a few minutes Kayo stands up and walks towards the door. "If you need anything there is a call button next to your bed" He says without turning back to the boy and then walks out the door

Reiji wondered exactly what Kayo was up to, from what he saw from the man already it seemed unlike him. Reiji eventually falls back asleep.

Kayo goes into his room and falls asleep

The next few days the cycle continued. Reiji would eat when food was given and rest when food was not. He occasionally had is belly rubbed by Kayo at random times, which he allowed even though he was still nervous about it.

Kayo leaves the house one day going into town to a hospital supply facility and gathering everything he will need. He brings everything into Reiji's room when he gets back, setting it all up without even saying a word or looking in his direction.

Reiji watches from the bed, rubbing his own belly. Seeing the equipment made him worry that the birth would happen soon. He silently watched, studying Kayo as he prepared.

"I will be switching out your bed as soon as your labor starts. Until then I will just be leaving these things here."

"When am I due, anyways?" Reiji asked.

"As this is the first time I have impregnated someone, I have no idea. We will have a better idea once you deliver this one for next time. Its a waiting game. You look full term now but you also look like you are still growing but I am not expert"

Reiji nodded. Just then, his belly grew even larger to the point where he looked 2 weeks overdue. His expression looked horrified.

Kayo notices the sudden growth and grabs an ultrasound machine he brought in and turns it on, placing the wand with gel on Reiji's belly and looks at the screen

Reiji lays still as Kayo works. His face is fearful.

Kayo turns the screen to Reiji "what do you see?" He asks the young boy

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