The Unwilling Host (closed)

"Why the hell should I be still?" Leo said icily as Kregan massages his belly. Inside, Leo actually enjoyed the treatment Kregan was giving him, but would not give Kregan the satisfaction of seeing him enjoying it. "You're massaging my belly that I never wanted in the first place and you want me to be still so you can help me?! Are you fucking nuts?!"

Leo's face then paled when he felt pressure leaving his body.

"Wh-what happened?" Leo asked, panic entering his voice. "I-is it time? Am I going to give birth? What the hell was that pressure signaling?!"

"That pressure was signaling birth, in a way." Kregan explains, "You angry isnt helping at all. You keep this up and these babies are gonna burst from your body"

kik: jt_stevens94

"Good," Leo said with a wince as one of the babies kicked his ribs. "If it means that I'm going to die because of it, I will gladly accept it. Like I said earlier, I'd rather die than carry any young for you. And I will not calm down either."

Granted, he would prefer to live longer, but if it meant carrying more Xeon babies, Leo would rather die.

Months have passed, and Leo has gone through two pregnancies in the time passed. His body has adapted to the process. His breasts are supple and round, his hips and wider. His offspring have since grown at an accelerated rate due to the perfect combination of both xeon and human dna. Leo's behavior hasnt changed however, he still deifies the Xeons at every time, which almost always leads to the same thing,forceful impregnation by Kregan. Leo is in solitary confidement for the time being.

kik: jt_stevens94

Leo lies on his hard, metal cot staring at the ceiling unable to move because of his milk-heavy breasts. He wouldn't want to anyhow. The only interesting--if you want to call it that--thing to look at is the mirror the Xeons placed in his cell as if to torment him even further by having him view his own reflection. That is something Leo has absolutely no desire of seeing. If he didn't know better, he would say he was an extremely curvy human female.....with a penis.

Leo sighs in frustration and anger.

"Damn Xeons," he mutters to the ceiling knowing that no matter how loudly or quietly he talks, Kregan can still hear him. "I told them I'd rather die than be a breeder for them. Why can't they get the hint that I'm never going to submit to their every whim? Unfortunately, I can't attempt to escape anymore because my breasts make it nearly impossible to move around to begin with without putting me in a ton of pain."

Kregan enters Leo's cell. "Hows my favorite breeder?"

kik: jt_stevens94

Leo scowled when he heard Kregan enter his cell. He so did not want to go through another pregnancy just yet.

"Still trying to think of how I can escape with these milk udders attached to my chest practically weighing me down," Leo said and motioned towards his breasts. He was lying technically because he knew that with the way his breasts were there's no way he could walk on his own without his breasts causing all kinds of pain in his upper back. So instead, he resulted to staring daggers at the ceiling since he can't see Kregan's face just yet over his mountains of breast flesh. "You know, I never consented to this. I was half expecting you to kill me for attempting to begin a revolt against you. I would still prefer to die over giving birth to your offspring continuously for the rest of my life, however long it may be in your care."

"Now that would be a waste of a perfectly good breeder" Kregan said smuggly. He squeezes one of Leo's massive breasts, know that it would cause him pain.

kik: jt_stevens94

"AH!" Leo said in a pained voice and kicked out at Kregan only to miss, so he resulted to staring daggers at Kregan. "Damn it Kregan! How many times have I told you not to do that?! Besides, I'm only a 'good breeder' because you forcefully impregnate me.

"And don't tell me life will be better for me if only I relented and allowed you to impregnate me because it won't be. It would be a living Hell!"

"Oh no, I wasnt going to say that. I really doesnt matter whether you submit or not. it will always ended the same way. You. Getting. Fucked." The tentacle quickly emerges and penatrates Leos flat abdomen. He soon feels himself getting implanted once more.

kik: jt_stevens94

"Ah!" Leo shouted as he briefly saw the tentacle emerge and then feels the tentacle penetrating his abdomen and being implanted yet again. "God damn you Kregan! Damn you and your kind to the deepest depths of Hell!!!"

Leo grasped at the tentacle as he attempted to pull it out and stop the implantation, but he kept missing and so resorted to staring daggers at Kregan as he continued grasping at the air over his abdomen.

Kregan soon begins to seed inside Leo.

kik: jt_stevens94

Leo growls in frustration in his failed attempts at grabbing Kregan's tentacle and stopped trying, but continued glaring daggers at Kregan as he was impregnated yet again.

"I will never submit to you nor enjoy this," Leo spat at Kregan only partially true as his dick began to slowly harden betraying his words.

As Kregan impregnates Leo, he climbs on top of him, closing the distance between them. "You lie. Both to yourself and to me." Kregan begins to molest Leos massive breasts. He could do nothing as his wrists were shackled to the cot.

kik: jt_stevens94

"Ah ah!" Leo said as Kregan molested his breasts and glared more daggers at Kregan as he moved over top of Leo. "I'm not lying! I don't like this and I never will!"

As he said this, he struggled against his shackles trying to get away and failing. Even his cock began to grow even more erect, his body betraying his brain once again.

Kregans tentacle begins to move back and forth into Leos navel, similar to the way human intercourse is performed. Leo is then ceased by more pleasure than pain.

kik: jt_stevens94

Leo moaned and his eyes fluttered closed as his cock inflated more in arousal while Kregan moved his tentacle the way he was moving it. Leo's eyes then shot back open as a blush came to his cheeks.

"D-damn it Kregan!" Leo stuttered out, embarrassed by his body's reaction, which he had absolutely no control over. "Stop it already!"

As Leo protests, Kregan tugs on his tender, puffy nipples. His tentacle thrusting in and out of Leo rapidly, until he finally releases his seed into Leos body.

kik: jt_stevens94

Leo groaned at Kregan's treatment of his rather sensitive nipples. When Kregan finally released his seed into Leo's body, Leo moaned/groaned. He was pregnant. Again. And yet again with his permission. When will these aliens get it through their thick skulls? He's only resisting because....because he wanted all the other prisoners to have a choice, a choice that he obviously did not have any longer.

He didn't voice these thoughts though. Instead, he spat out, "Fuck you Kregan," in between intakes of air as he tried to regulate his breathing back to as normal as possible.

Weeks afterwards, Leo learns after his last ultrasound that he was carrying twins. His belly already curving outward and his breasts are ingorged with milk, making them an enormious E cup. His nipples throbbed, aching to be handled.

kik: jt_stevens94

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