Middle Ages (closed)

Kodai smiles at Anna while he sighs happily with relief as well. "I am going with the guards to see if we can get it to talk and admit it's crime."

"Do you have to?" Anna looks to him, worried,

Kodai spoke to Anna, wondering as to why she was so worried but he understood as to why. "I can let the guards go if you would like. They can tell us what happens."

She nods. "I don't want you near that thing," she says, taking his hand.

Kodai does as his beloved Anna desires and stays in the castle with her. The guards arrive back to the kingdom and tell all that they got from the beast to Anna and Kodai. "The monster admitted to the crimes Sir Kodai and Madamme Anna. It took much torturing but we got what you wanted. The truth." One of the guards had said.

"Did he admit to terrorizing Demetri?" Amanda asks, holding Kodai's hand tightly.

The guard nodded, speaking exactly as to what the other guards had witnessed. "He did admit." Kodai had been comforted by Anna as his hand was squeezed ever so lovingly by her. He was also glad to know that the monster that had harmed Demetri was finally caught.

"Thank you very much gentlemen," she says, heading back to Kodai's room. "Do we say anything to Demetri?" she asks Kodai.

Each of the guards that were present all bowed to Anna and Kodai, leaving the room to keep watch over the castle's grounds once more. Kodai was so very excited to tell their son Demetri the news. "I think that we should."

"I'll let you take that," she says carefully.

Kodai nodded to Anna, leaving the room that they were in and toward Demetri's room. When he saw his son he smiled, lifting him up and into his arms. "Demetri. The monster is caught. He wont hurt you anymore." At his father's words Demetri smiled and clapped his hands happily. "The monster is gone. Now he wont hurt you or mommy."

Anna sighs in relief, knowing his little mind will no longer be tormented.

Demetri ran around his room while playing a game with his father. Kodai smiled at Demetri, chasing after him and picking him up in his arms with a blissful laugh.

Anna smiles, watching her little family.

Demetri smiled and continued to run around his room until he felt tired. He stopped in the middle of his room after an hour, rubbing at his eyes with a soft yawn.

"Time for bed little one," Anna says, scooping him up and beginning to sing. The song had become a nightly ritual.

Demetri had smiled up at Anna, reaching up and opening and closing his tiny hands as if he wanted something. He laid his head upon Anna's chest, falling asleep as he closed his eyes after she sung to him.

Anna laid him carefully in his small bed, trying not to wake him. She tucks him in, finishing the song. She takes Kodai's hand, and leads him to the bedroom. She begins kissing him mercilessly. "I love you so much.."

Demetri yawned once more, laying down in his same sized bed as he continued to sleep. When both Anna and Kodai were in their bedroom Kodai was surprised by Anna's intensely passionate kisses, kissing her lips back in the same passionate way while he led her back toward one of the walls to pin her up against. "Oh god Anna. I love you too."

She pants, gazing deeply into his eyes.

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