Middle Ages (closed)

"I want to cook it by fire outside. Kind of like the cave men did at one time. It will let us and Demetri be closer to nature for a while." Kodai smiled, gathering up the now deboned fish. He gathered Demetri up in one arm while keeping the fish in his free hand as he walked outside from the castle where sticks for a fire were waiting.

Anna follows them out; she enjoys a fire herself.

Kodai set down the fish in the emerald green grass beside him, getting a fire going with two sticks and showing Demetri new nature skills.

Anna sits down next to him.

Kodai was so very happy to have both his son and his wife around him. He began to cook each of the fish upon a strong stick, making sure that it was cooked thouroughly on the inside and out before he served them to Anna and Demetri.

"These are wonderful," Anna smiles, eating carefully.

3 "Thank you Anna." When Kodai gathered up a plate for each of the fish he smiled, eating his own piece of freshly cooked fish after handing a small plate to Demetri who ate his piece happily.

(Where to?)

(Hmm? .. I am not sure.)

( :-/ )

(Hmm? how about Demetri grows older and begins to follow after his father's leadership. It is the only idea I have in my head.)


As a few years passed by Demetri had grown from an adventurous boy and into a handsome young teenager, eager to follow after his father's skilled leadership. He became even more like his father each and every passing day. Kodai was so very proud of their son for how much he had learned from him.

"Demetri?" Anna calls. "I need some firewood, will you get me some?"

"Yes Mother." When Demetri's name was called he walked into the room that his mother was in, nodding for a moment before he left to chop down a tree and chop up firewood for her with his trusty axe.

Anna is very thankful for her sweet Demetri.

When Demetri successfully took down a nearby tree he gathered up the firewood in his strong arms, walking back to the castle's grounds so that he could put it down where it was needed.

"Thank you baby," Anna says, placing a kiss on the top of his head.

When Demetri entered through the doorway of the castle he smiled as the top of his pitch black haired head was kissed by his mother. "You are welcome mother."

"So what are you two up to today?" she asks, mixing bread dough for supper.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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