Middle Ages (closed)

Demetri gazed up at his mother, focusing on her and too afraid to fall into unconsciousness. Kodai did as he was told, rushing toward where the doctor was and getting him to help his son after describing what happened.

"Demetri, talk to me baby," she says, gazing down into his eyes. "Tell me exactly what happened," she suggests, quickly looking him over for any other wounds.

Demetri managed to keep his eyes open as his mother searched his body for more wounds. "Father accidently stabbed me. We were almost done with training."

"Kodai? I can use your help if you're up to it," she calls into the hallway. "Ok baby, it's alright. You're going to be just fine," she soothes, wiping the blood from his wound and holding pressure with one hand, feeling his pulse with the other.

Kodai nodded and reentered the room that both Anna and their son Demetri was in. Demetri hissed sharply with pain as his wound was applied with pressured to.

"Sorry baby, I'm sorry," she soothes, continuing to hold the pressure. "Get up there and hold his head in your lap. Give him drops of water, keep his mouth wet," she instructs, hoping he remembers how she did for him. "How much longer for the doctor?" she asks the servant in the doorway.

Kodai did as he was told and walked over to where Demetri was laying. He lifted his head up, placing it in his lap while stroking his hair ever so softly while Demetri was soothed by it. He gave Demetri single drops of water while waiting for more orders. The doctor soon walked down the hall and entered the room that the servant, Anna, Kodai and Demetri were all in.

Kodai did as he was told and walked over to where Demetri was laying. He lifted his head up ever so gently, placing it in his lap while stroking his hair ever so softly while Demetri was soothed by it. He gave Demetri single drops of water while waiting for more orders. The doctor soon walked down the hall and entered the room that the servant, Anna, Kodai and Demetri were all in.

"Stab to the abdomen, he's coughed up blood. He's lost a lot; he's barely with us," she updates the doctor.

Demetri continued to groan, trying so hard to keep his eyes open. The doctor checked Demetri's wound, getting a thread and needle ready to sew up the wound.

"I am worried about internal damage, since he has coughed up blood." She admits to the doctor quietly.

Kodai kept their son's head in his lap, stroking his hair ever so softly. The doctor listened to Anna, speaking back to her after it was his turn to speak. "I see .. I will do my best to make sure that no more blood is lost."

"Thank you doctor," she says, her voice quivering a bit. She wants to hold her baby, but stayed by the doctor's side in case she was needed.

Demetri managed to keep his eyes open for a while even though the massive bloodloss was making him dizzy, wincing and groaning while the opened wound and internal organ that was affected was stitched up from the inside and his stomach was also stitched. Kodai continued to stroke Demetri's hair, speaking ever so softly to him to get him to remain calm and comforted. "Shh Demetri. It is alright."

"I know baby," Anna soothes, rubbing his legs, as his wounds are closed.

Demetri closes his eyes tightly with tears, trying his very hardest to remain focused on his mother's soothing voice. The doctor tried to be as gentle as he can with closing the sword wound with the thread and needle.

Anna and Kodai continue soothing him. "Please keep your eyes open Demetri," she says calmly. "Just a little bit longer, and then we'll let you sleep." She looks to the doctor, "how bad is it?" She asks quuetly, not wanting to upset Kodai or Demetri.

As tired as he was still Demetri fluttered and opened his eyes wearily, gazing up at his mother who was beside Kodai with slight gasps and groans as he felt every poke of the needle and pull of the thread. The doctor spoke only to Anna about how severe the wound was. "It is slightly bad but I am sure that it will heal correctly in time. If anything goes badly then call me back."

"Thank you doctor," she smiles wearily. "Kodai, more water if he can handle it," she instructs, continuing to soothe Demetri as the doctor finishes.

The doctor smiles slightly, bowing his head to Anna before he left the room. Kodai let their son Demetri drink with small swallows of water to stay hydrated while keeping his head in his lap. Demetri was soothed to slumber by his beloved mother and father.

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