C Dragon breeder in the Desert (w/ Dots)

(So he would almost pass out when they were visiting the water dragon? I am.sure the long trip and the very rapid growth of his belly would be very big pressure on horus already, so yes, I agree, that would make sense for him to almost past out when they got to the last stop)

Al stroked his mate's.face fondly after he pressedthe kiss, and nodded at his pop's advice of.bringing Horus back to his room. It actually felt happy for Al to be carrying his mate again. He liked how it felt with his weight in his arms, like he was sharing all the burden on Horus. He thought about Horus's suggestion and hesitated. He wasnt too comfortable leaving Horus alone, but this was a safe place, there would be no enemy and yes, Horus was right, he had a lot to talk with his pop. He thought about it for long, and finally nodded when they entered the room.

Al put Horus on bed gently, and kissed his belly first. "If you would be a good boy and go to bed first, then I would go back out to talk with pop for a little longer. Can you do that? Go to sleep first so i will know you are resting already?" He said, thinking if Horus was asleep already, it should be okay for him to leave for awhile.

(Not after visiting the sea dragon, but I'll make him cry to hard since he thought he isn't good enough for his lover. I got the idea from thw long mpreg stories that I had read in this couple days that why I didn't reply often until hours ago haha)

Horus smiled as his lover said that. "Hmm, I'm not that sleepy but I'll try." He said, smiling at his lover when Al placed another soft kiss on him. Although he wasn't so sleepy, Horus was so tired from a long trip. He had already felt asleep when Al looked down again after some feet rub. A small human was sleeping soundly, drawing a small smile on Al's face before he put the blankets over Horus's big belly and left the room.

Horus had woken again just an hour after he fell asleep. The room was silent and his lover wasn't here. He could guess that AL was talking with his Pop now. A small human slowly sat up on the bed, rubbing his back gently. This room was too cold for him, and that was a problem together with his long trip. Horus back muscle was tense and hurt now, and it was slowly happening with his belly. A human tried to arch his back for more, but it wasn't helpful. Luckily, the babies was still sleeping inside his belly, but they would wake up soon if Horus couldn't ease this problem.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(OH! yea that could be interesting. Maybe after he saw from another book and see how that mating ritual could weaken his dragon mate for days and realised how Al was also trying to give in his own way in this relationship?)

Al smiled and rubbed Horus' feet, glad to see it wasnt as swollen.compared with that afternoon. He continued to rub even after Horus fell asleep, so he could make sure the human had indeed been sleeping soundly, before leaving the room.quietly. that was the reason why he was still outside talking with Plutus when Horus woke up.

While Horus was starting to feel fhe cramps, Plutus wqs just telling Alkaid to rrturn to his mate. "Go, son," the gentle old man urged affectionately. "Your mate is not matwd with you yet, you should stay closer to him. He might need you, or maybe the babies would need you. We still have abundant time to talk later, after you two have mated and perhaps after the babies are born." He smiled in his wise way and Al happily complied.

He opened the heavy door quietly and found Horus sat up already. He was still smiling, in a good mood from his talk with Plutus, when he heard whimpers from the little human. "Horus?" He ruhsed to the bed and found Horus wqs sweaty from being nervous, pressing on his belly.

(That's fun, but I think we shouldn't take too long after their last visiting, maybe Horus was already sad after the meeting although Al said that he was willing to have a human to be his mate, and he had finally cried out when they got home?I think we can play another thing about how the ritual could weaken Al. Maybe Al fell down while they were walking when he tried to hide his weakness? We can make the scene when Horus took care of his lover at that moment. )

The cramp wasn't good, and it was even getting worse. Horus was so nervous although he knew that it could happen. 'It will be a lot better if Al is here' He thought while he was rubbing his belly. Horus couldn't even hear when Al opened and walked inside, but his sound when he saw his lover was struggling made a small man smile. "This room just too cold without you, Al." He told the truth. Nothing happened before evening since Al was here with him and his warmth made his room good enough for Hours, but this times was different. Horus could even see Al's guilty face when he got behind him and held his whole body gently. "I...it's fine, Al." Horus tried to say something more but he couldn't It eventually felt a lot better when AL hugged him and his warmth from his body and plam stretch Horus's muscle, but the cramp was still there. "C..can you massage my belly?" He asked, whimpering in pain

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(yea ok let's take your suggestion. And yes, Al would be so weak when he had finished the ritual. when they went from where the ritual would take place abck to the bedrom, he would collapse and scare horus... then Horus would probably pamper him like Al was a baby who couldn't do anything on his own.)

Al clutched Horus' hand and found them chilly. He hadn't thought about it but just like lava, the room could very easily cool down once the dragon wasn't here. It was never a problem for Al, as he was a descendent of the fire dragon and the room was always warm for him. He hugged him tight and felt little trembles from Horus, probably from the cramps and partly from the chill. "I am sorry.... I should have returned earlier." He kissed Horus on his cheek and nodded, hearing his little human's little request, he put his large palms on his belly and rubbed. It was tight, and still tightening up, but perhaps it was also because the babies had been grwoing fast in this abundance of power. They could get power not only from Al, but also from Plutus, and that made their growth even faster. As they were busy growing, they were both in a deep sleep, which was why Horus didn't feel their kicks on top of cramps.

(Hehe, tat's cute, and I can see Al teasing Horus while he was taking care of him ;))

It felt a lot better for a small human when Al put him on his lap and started rubbing his belly gently. "I...it's fine, Al" Hours said as the way he always did, but the dragon could know that he wasn't fine now. The cramp was better and better when AL moved his big and warm hand around Horus's belly, but it had woken their babies up. The babies were kicking even stronger and it was hurt this time. Al's face turned to bright red. "E...easy loves" He whispered, rubbing his belly gently. The babies seemed to be excited about this place and also when the father was here. Al could see how the babies were the problem now, and it told him how the ritual was so important. A small human leaned on his lover, even more, trying the make himself comfortable inside Al's warm embrace.

(Don't make the babies grow too fast hehe Horus still need to walk around ;) I'm also thinking if visiting Plutus makes the babies have more power and makes Al can be able to feel them earlier? The daddy should know how the babies were kicking their mommy now :))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(haha maybe Al would be annoyed at first and insisted he was welll... then he would start to appreciate Horus walking around and leaning over him to feed him while his belly was so big already)

It was always interesting touching Horus' belly, which was still small enough to be contained in Al's large palms. He could cover it all just by opening up his fingers, but he knew that would soon become larger. He then felt something small and fluttering. He thought it was just gas, maybe Horus's stomahc was digesting and just moving and gurgling inside of him, then he felt the fidgeting and the small gasps from horus... he was almost in pain now... so that would mean... Al was quickly thinking and he then realised those must be the babies! Al was so excited, he just looked at Horus and was uanble to speak yet, while Horus just so happens to have squeezed his eyes shut with the pain. Al's excitement was so great, even the babies felt it and they kicked even happier responding to their father's emotions, and that was when Horus yelped and his eyes went red with tears filling them.

Al then knew his excitement had created bad effects for Horus, and he calmed down. He continued to rub soothing circles, letting Horus sank deeper in to his hold, and tried to talk to the babies to make them stop.

(hehe, but remember to not make his belly grow too fast ;))

Horus couldn't say anything and he finally cried out when the babies kicked even harder. He looked up at his lover when Al tried to tell their babies to stop. Al seemed to be able to feel the babies now. It was strange and too early, and Horus didn't know why. "Ahh," He let a painful moan and fell down on Al's embrace. It was the moment that Al realized how it could turn to be a lot worse if the babies didn't stop. "P...please, make them stop." Horus whimpered, knowing how Al could feel their babies. It wouldn't be this worse if this room wasn't too cold for him. Al seemed to realize how it was all his fault when he started using some of his power. The room was even warmer and also with Horus's belly. A small man could feel warmer hands rubbed his belly more gentle, and softer. He couldn't hear it clearly, but Al was saying something with the babies in dragon langue.

(idk why it turns to be this painful hehe, but I also love it.)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Ok... HAHA you know i like to have Horus' belly big... not too big when they had teh ritual, so he could still walk around to take care of Al even though his back might be painful bending over the bed)

Al muttered quick languages in dragon tongue and warmed up the room further. He could see sweat appearing on Horus's face and his human was so nice, trying to not move too much so Al could rub his belly more properly. "Keep calm baby... daddy's here, but mommy's in pain, so you two little ones should behave. Don't kick now...." He said gently, it seemed like the 2 little ones were wriggling too much as they attempted to dance with the heat, and they didn't know moving so vigorously would hurt their mother. "babies.... stop." Al said more sternly this time, and the babies seemed to finally realise they had been causing their mother pain, since Al was getting serious and he used his power to connect with theem, and finally, before the first tear could escape of Horus' eyes with how painful it was, the babies settled.

Al was relieved and he rubbed his belly a little longer to make sure htey would be calmed, and preferably go back to sleep. He smiled at Horus. "I am excited that I could feel them now..... must have been this power lingering around making them grow a lot faster. Sorry babe, I didn't know me getting excited could make them so active...."

(Hehe, yeah, his back will be hurt, so Al should pay him back when he is better since Horus's belly will be large after that ;))

Horus gave Al a weak smile as he said that. He knew that the babies would be able to feel Al's power someday, but this was just too early for him. Al helped Horus to lean against to headboard since he could rub his belly even more then he sat in front of his lover. "You seem to be strict even before they come out." he teased his lover, smiling weakly. AL could see how Horus was still weak but wanted to make his lover feel better. It could be both weakness and strength of his lover. Horus smiled when a great dragon placed a soft kiss on his forehead then moved down to his belly. "I hope they will listen to me like their father." He joked, looking down at his lover. Al lifted Horus' robe even further, showing his cute bump then he rubbed his warm hands around gently. It should be better to do it even longer and made sure that the babies had fallen asleep soundly.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Oh yes he would be quite large when Al recovered. They would be active as well once they feel their father recovered fully, and their role.would be reversed when Al found out how Horus had been pretending to be fine when he was in much pain)

Al could let Horus sat himself once he had made the room warm.enough for him, and the babies had calmed down enough horus no.longer needed to use all his strength to endure the cramps. He rubbed the belly from the sides, sometimes playfully pushing it up. Al could only smile as he realised Horus' effort of making him less guilty , and move ddown to press a kiss on his cute belly. "If they are this naughty even this young, I cannot imagine how they would be when they grow up more....if ever they wake you up from.sleep, remember to tell me." Al said very seriously. Horus was such a gentle soul he knew, even now, that the babies probably wouldnt listen to his words too well.

He would continue to rub the naked belly. Horus' protective robes were changed into this softer nightgown so he would be comfortable, but that also made the protection lessen which was why he had felt so cold. Al stared at the belly, it.would change shape slightly when he rubbed, and it was funny seeing it become.oblong and then spherical again.

Horus smiled with how Al was having fun with his belly. He patted his lover to make him realize that he was watching. He let a soft moan when it felt so comfortable, making look up instantly. "What?" He asked, smiling when Al continued rubbing his belly gently. "I'm not surprised if the babies will be naughty like their father." He teased his lover, and let a soft moan again when Al hugged his belly gently. "Hmm, you're so bad, Al." He said. Horus didn't say anything after that and Al could see how his lover was so sleepy when he looked up again. His eyes barely open now. He didn't even realize when Al placed a soft kiss n his lips. "I love you, Al. Thanks for everything" He whispered, giving his lover a warm smile with his close eyes.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"I am not bad, I am the greatest dragon in thr world who would only spoil my mate." Al said smiling, gradually using less strength in rubbing Horus' belly so he could drift off to sleepy easily. Pressing a kiss on Horus, he muttered. "I love you too babe.... you are so precious." He said hugging Horus from behind and laid down beside him, he fell asleep holding his little human by his belly.

They said their goodbyes to Plutus and went on with their trip. They had visited places with very different habitats, each resided with an elder who is the leader of that clan. Some needed more convincibg than others, but Al had been very patient, explaining over and over again to the old men before some of them reluctantly took the invitation. Surprisingly, there had been some young female dragons awaiting for him in.some stops. Perhaps they had heard about his choice of mate and naively thought they are pretty enough to change his mind.

(that young female dragons though ;))

There was some of them that reluctantly took the invitation, but it wasn't much problem since they weren't important for Al, but not this last dragon. The sea dragon who ruled a great sea of the world. He was one of the strongest elders like Plutus. Al had already told Horus with hos this would be harder than any others, but he would protect him with everything he had, and the gift from their pop would also protect him. Horus could feel how Al was uncomfortable even with the dragon form when he flew over the sea which was sea dragon's territory. His lover hated water, especially sea water which could make him feel bad with the salt inside. He rubbed his belly gently and tried to calm them down when they already had the same feeling with their father. "Father, mother, brother, please pray for me" He whispered, looking at the sky.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(They wouldnt succeeed... but they would be acting to remind Horus of how he wasnt a dragon and how it would be difficult for him to catch up with all the traditions and culture of dragons :))

Through their trip that was almost 2 weeks now, Horus's belly grew steadily. It was now very obvious under his protective robe. He would sometimes support his own back when he walked, which was cute in Al's eyes, but to others he.could be looking.clumsy. AL descneded into the island in the middle of the sea, strong waves crashed onto the land and there it was, the beautiful gate that resembled the one Plutus had, but this time it was decorated with corals and mainly aquamarine. The blue and green gems shown brightly.

Al changed back into human form and took Horus' hand. He was clearly much more cateful here. "You have the bracelet on you right?" Al confirmed with Horus, even though he had asked before already. Before Horus coule answer, the gate opened and the stern, roaring voice of Poseidus could be heard. "Alkaid.... you are a rare visitor. What are you doing bringing such a lowly human into my sacred place?"

(But I think, Al will never care hehe ;))

The loud voice and the heavy wind from the inside made Horus flinch for a moment. It was even colder than that room inside Plutis's chamber. The great dragon took Horus's hand then started walking inside. This place wasn't the same with Plutus's place since there were lots of Poseidus' servants here. They kneel to a great young dragon while they were walking inside a huge dome, surrounding with the water. Poseidus was inside there, looking at Horus with his beautiful, but scary blue eyes. "What are you thinking, Alkaid? Reject all dragons that I had offered, but take a small human to be your mate? Are you silly?" He said with his loud voice. Horus couldn't say anything before his huge dragon form. He couldn't even believe that this most beautiful dragon would be this brutal. He held Al's hands tightly when his lover stepped forward and protected with his bigger body, and Poseidus seemed to be more angry with that.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
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(Of course! Horus had been rooted in his heart and no one could ever think of replacing him ;))

"Horus is my mate. That is a fact and nothing can change that, no matter how many dragons or other things you attempted to make me accept. Poseidus, you have my respect as an elder, but please, also reciprocate me with that respect on my choices. I am not here to start a war, I am just extending my invitation to you for the ceremony that is the most important for any dragon's life." He said explaining his intentions, but also with his own insistence showing Poseidus his determination. He shielded Horus even better whne the great dragon seemed even more angry after hearing what Al had said. "Alkaid you are such an ungrateful one! you have abandoned your draconis origin for some lowly human.. you have contaminated our blood and...." He saved his hand and a dozen young dragon girls came, each looking more beautiful than the previous one, in very revealling clothes that could barely cover their curvy bodies. Al was sickened by what Poseidus was still trying to do, and turned around to hug Horus. "Poseidus, I have given you the invtation... so here we are leaving." He said but before he could, the gate once again closed in front of them, blocking their way out.

(Hehe, that's cute!! I always don't like then I read the long stories that are king related when the king usually have many women or men although the would be only one getting pregnant but, i still don't like it. I can understand how the king would have many girls under his control in hundreds of years ago, but I just don't like it haha. I hope you can understand ;))

Poseidus didn't even realize what he was talking about, and he even forgot how one of their ancestors was a human wizard. Both of them didn't say anything since Al didn't want to start the war, and the babies started causing the problem to Horus. The babies seemed to hate this so much. The started moving around and caused a painful moan from their mother. Horus grabbed's Al's arms tightly. A great dragon seemed to be shocked with his lover's face turned red.

A group young dragon girls started to dance around them, and they started casting some sort of the magic at the same time. the magic didn't affect a great dragon, but his lover. It was one of the ancient magic that could affect the mind and emotion. All of the dragons in this place was trying to make Horus feel even worse with how he was only a lowly human. Al couldn't protect his lover from that since it was an ancient magic, and Horus himself was trying to fight with it. "A...l, I love you, no matter what happens, I'll be only yours" A small human whispered, looking at his lover with his both teary eyes.

Horus' word and his feeling toward his lover were so strong even with the ancient magic. It was the moment when the molten bracelet was shining around the place. The warm aura had covered a small human from that ancient magic now. Everyone knew this thing that was protecting a human. It was from Plutus. It was easy for an elder to protect Horus from this ancient magic with his power. A warm aura didn't only protect him from the ancient magic, but also calmed the babies down.

Poseidus growled out loud with how angry he was. He knew that he couldn't handle this two great dragons at the same time, but he still didn't let them go. "I have accepted this human, Poseidus, and no one would hurt him under my protection." He Plutus's voice came from the bracelet. Although he didn't come with a couple lover, Plutus had fused some of his minds into this bracelet. "I don't want to start a war, Poseidus. you know how bad it is, so I ask you for this time." A kind elder tried to convince the sea dragon since no one wanted a war. "You have seen Alkaid since he was young, and you know what he had passed to become a great dragon. I beg you this time to make my great-grandchild happy, but if you want a war, I also won't refuse it"

(I tried to make more details, but ik if it's good enough haha)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(yea i understand, so in all our stories our couple would be very loyal to each other)

Al was so nervou s when Horus moaned in pain, and the maic that surrounded them was something that could not be protected by horus' robe. He was so agitated he almost grabbed horus and just flew over, risking hurting himself and getting engulfed in the waves, but luckily his pop had been there as always. He sighed and clutched Horus even tighter as the moltedn bracelet started talking. With that bracelet, Al was more powerful as well as he drew energy from fire. He might not be able to stop that ancient magic, but that didn't mean he couldn't have other ways of stopping it. He raised a fire even in this water surrounded and moist land, and used them to attack the dragon girls. These young girls were not as powerful individually, and they screamed as the fire caugth their precious hair. Everyone tired to save themselves and they could not contniue with their dance,and therefore the magic discontinued.

Al waited until his great grandfather's little speech was finished and he added, holding Horus tight, burying hsi head into his chest. "Please Poseidus, dragons had been few, and if any war broke out, there would be even more dragons sacrifised. There's no contamination, we all dragons had human blood in us. otherwise we wouldn' be able to change shape!" He said and produced any fireball to attack one girl who attmpeted to scratch Horus. All the girls had been ordered to hurt the human at all costs. Her action angered Al and despite them also being protected by Poseidus' power, he summoned another tornado of fire and surrounded the attacker, and her screams of pain could be heard.

Poseidus seemed shocked by what Al could do, and that made him reconsider the cost of further stopping their mating. He fell silent and eventually waved his hand and all the girls disappeared. "If you decided to act foolishly, then so be it. I would not sacrifice any lives of my people just to stop you from killing yourself." He said referring to how draining it would be for him to mate, and he left his throne, still in his dragon form, and sank into the deeper seas.

(yea it's good. I hope I didn't end this too quickly for you?)

(haha it's good, but let me add something for a bit)

Poseidus had surrendered, but he didn't forget to say something before he left. "Anyway, this is Human, someday, he will die, and that'll be your worst nightmare." He said, reminding AL how a human ad such a short age compared with the dragon. He smiled as he thought he had won by that words, but he didn't even know how Al had prepared the answer for that already.

"He'll live with me for a whole life, Poseidus, no one will take it from me even death. I'll share my power with him and if he'll die, we'll die together" Poseidus was a bit shocked with that answer. Not many dragons would share his power with his mate, and that meant Al wanted to share his whole life with his human. Although the dragon had a very long age, they would die someday, and with that ritual, both of them would die in closer time since it wouldn't heart the one how was left behind for too much. The elder didn't answer anything just sank into the deep sea at the moment that the door had opened for both of them.

Horus was so tired, and he couldn't even stand by himself now. Al could notice it when he lifted him up and carried him t the outside. "Its end now, Horus, we'll go back home soon," Al whispered, and kissed his lover gently. He didn't even realize some of the ancient magic had remained inside Horus's mind, and it would e a problem soon.

(Let's head home, so I can make Horus cry out heavily ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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