"A boy, Liam..." Aaron couldn't help but sob and clutch Liam's hand.
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Liam stood up and hugged Aaron deeply smiling " a boy "
Aaron gazed at the screen, his hand resting on his gel-slicked belly. "Two boys and a girl..." he whispered.
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Liam smiled proudly " can you print out those pictures doc?" The doctor nodded and finnished his exam wiping the gel of Aaron stomach
"Well he's definitely a boy," Aaron said as the doctor left the room. "We'll have to think of a name."
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Liam smiled " I knew the whole time it was a boy what about. Liam jr. No I'm just kidding what about Aidan? Or James"
"Hmmm... I like Aidan. Aidan James..." Aaron wondered aloud, drawing a circle on his belly.
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Liam smiled taking Aaron's hand " I like that too..."
"We'll think about it when we get home. Help me up, babe?" Aaron asked, pulling his shirt back down over his belly.
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Liam smiled and helped Aaron up rubbing his belly " I can't wait til we have twins "
"We've got two months left this little guy gets here, honey. Let's focus on him first," Aaron said as they left the doctor's office.
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Liam smiled " your right but as soon as you pop him out get ready for twins!" Liam joked
Aaron laughed as they got into the car. "I've gotten to like being pregnant. I definately want to get started with the next baby pretty soon after we have this one."
(Where do you wanna go from here?)
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Liam smiled taking his hand and pulling out of the doctors office " good I want a big family since I really didn't have a family when I was younger "
( more family life maybe Aaron falls and gets put on bed rest and Liam has to take care of kids?)
(I would think Aaron gets to the point where he's just too pregnant to do anything. Should we start wrapping this pregnancy up so they can get pregnant with twins?
Aaron sighed as he folded laundry over his bulging belly. He was nine months pregnant and wanted the baby out and in his arms. Aaron loved pregnancy, but this was a bit much.
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Liam walked in the door and frowned seeing Aaron doing chores " baby you should be in bed with your feet up...I'll do laundry your 9 months you don't need to do anything..." Liam said stern and kissed his cheek
Aaron smiled slightly and sighed, putting his arms on his back and stretching. "I want to be somewhat active, Liam. It helps induce labor, and I want this baby out," he huffed, rubbing his massive belly for emphasis.
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Liam smirked " but you look so cute with your baby belly....but you know what else induces labor?" Liam winked