Family Life

Aaron nodded. "Liam, relax. It was my first contraction. They shouldn't..." he trailed off, clutching his belly as a second contraction rolled through it. "ugh...Liam, they're not supposed to come this fast," he said, worry in his eyes. "Call someone to come pick the kids up."

" it just means labors picking up and that blowjob probably helped" Liam smirked and called his sister to pick up the kids he held Aaron's hand " you gonna be okay if I go take the kids outside and sterilize some supplies?"

"Yes, but just hurry. I don't know when it's going to kick into high gear," Aaron replied, giving a worried rub of his now-dropped belly.

Liam nodded and went and gave the kids to his sister then he sterilized the tools with boiling water and got towels and brought it all into the room laying it on the foot of the bed " how you doing babe? You timing them?"

"Yep," Aaron replied. He had already stripped naked and was laying on his side, a stopwatch perched on his belly. "They're about five minutes apart. It's crazy. I've never progressed so quickly with any of the other kids," he said.

Liam smirked " I'm telling you it was the blow job your lucky you have a husband that would do that..." Liam teased and massaged Aaron belly also kissing it " come on baby boy come meet your daddy's"

Aaron smiled, but let out a soft moan as another contraction engulfed his bump. He feel back into Liam's arms until the contraction was over. "I think he likes it when you kiss him."

Liam started to kiss all over Aaron's belly as he hummed a children's song

Aaron joined in the humming before he felt a familiar break of pressure as fluid ran out from his ass. "Liam... my water broke."

Liam smiled and grabbed a towel cleaning the rest of the fluid from Arron ass " oh wow baby you look about 7 cms"

"7 cm?! Already?!" Aaron cried, getting nervous but excited at the same time.

" baby deep breathes just relax..." Liam reminded getting a wet rag and wiping his face with it

"I know, I know. This is my third time. Stay calm and it won't hurt too bad..." Aaron said as he started a breathing pattern.

Liam smiled " that's my boy...just relax..." Liam took his hand

"I'm just concerned... how did I get to 7cm so quickly? Caleb and Alexis didn't go nearly as fast. Was I already dilated and didn't notice?" Aaron wondered, keeping his mind off of the now fairly-painful contractions.

"You were probably dilating and not noticed and that sex and blow job helped..." Liam smirked

"It..did AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH" Aaron moaned loudly as he was wracked with another contraction.

Liam squeezed Aaron hand " just breathe baby..."

"Damn..." Aaron panted. "We're having our third baby," he said, the realization just hitting him fully.

Liam smiled " were gonna have many more "

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