C Dragon breeder in the Desert (w/ Dots)

(Perhaps not fall down, but almost faint? And Al would catch him and Horus would quickly get his balance again. Then their role would switch? ;))

Al was a little worried seein ow Horus appeared sick as well. He nodded as he got ready but not before remindin Horus. "Do not press yourself too hard Horus. You are the important one now, my wound would be healrd in a few days and I can handle it. You should tak good care of yourslf too, the babies are very demndin so you have to be careful." He saif that and turned around to do his business, for the first time quite anmoyed with himself for unable to heal faster so he could take care of Horus now.

(You, that's fine. I love when Horus has been taken care too lol. When will it happen?)

Horus nodded as he heard that. He couldn't hide his sickness for so long. He leaned against the wall while he was waiting for Al on the outside. Horus touched his belly softly and sighed at the same time. "I'm not sure if I can handle you both well, babies, but I'll do my best. I'll not let anything to harm you anymore" He said, rubbing his belly. His sickness was not too bad at the time, and he needs to take care his mate as much as he can, at least when he still can do it. Horus closed his eyes to think about everything that happened in his life in months. It was not too bad for him to be here at all.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(How about for the next day? Or maybe the day after tomorrow.)

Al quickly finished and tidied himself up before walking back to the door himsle, even though it was very slow and he needed to hold on the wall to move forward. He got to the door and opened it. "Horus...? I am done now. Are you alrigh5? You looked quite pale.." al observed and asked with concern as Horus.looked quite sick.now. "do you need to lay down? Can you handle th3 cookint?"

(Maybe the day after tomorrow, I still want to give the time for Al to rest and I also can make Horus' sickness worse, but can we make it faster to that situation? Tbh, I'd like to skip it after this situation, but we can play about their meals together if you want. I can also show his tiredness more in that scene.)

Horus opened his eyes slowly and shook his head. "I'm okay. eating something may help, so I need to cook for us. Don't worry. I'll be careful." He said then walked to Al and wrapped Al's arm on his shoulders. "More back to the bed now? Tell me if you want to go somewhere. maybe sit on the couch and read some book? you can also do it on the bed too." He said slowly but tried to not show his sickness. He didn't realize how he showed lots of caring on his mate. It was something he head never done for very long time

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Let's skip then! have meals the next day maybe.)

Al ruffled Horus' head showing his gratitude. "How about you go to select a book for me and I can read on the bed." He said as they started the journey back to the bed, which was proved to be a long way for both of them. Al had been whining in pain when they finally arrived. He pointed to the nearby bookshelf and asked Horus to just select one, and let him cook. He was not quite aware of what had happened afterwards, his injury made him very tired. He had fallen back to sleep not long after Horus went to cook, and vaguely remember he woke up to Horus bringing a tray of food up, then everything was a blur as he must have fallen asleep again. He had developed a low fever and was not very conscious for the rest of the day.

(Skip to the day when Horus is almost faint? I think Al should be much better to take care his mate hehe)

Horus could see now Al was so tired because of his wounds. He didn't ask him to do lots of things just ate the food and let him rest. Horus placed his hand on A's forehead as Al was a bit shivering. He could feel the low fever from his mate, so he walked to the bathroom and brought the towel with water for the tepid sponge. He rubbed the towel around Al's body but avoided his wound. "Get better soon, please" He whispered, knowing that Al didn't hear it. Horus didn't feel quite good all day, but Al was more important than everything now. He spent the day reading some books beside his mate. He didn't eat anything for the dinner because of sickness, just took a bath to get fresh. It was the time that Horus clearly knew his heart. Al was more important than he thought and he didn't want to go anywhere now. At the late night, he walked to the bed and grabbed Al's hand tightly then whispered. "Good night Alkaid, thanks for everything," He said tiredly then slept beside his mate.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp


The next day was more or less the same, Al's fever continued. It had been his body's mechanism of healing. He only remmebered gettig water from Horus, ans fhe touch was soft, not like a cup but more like coming from lips. He woke up quite late the next day, but felt a lot better. He lookrd around but couldnt see Horus. A bit disappointed but he knew the human would be exhausted if he had indeed taken carw of him so well like he felt. He was pretty sure he was wiped as there wasnt any sweat on him. He say up and didnt feel any pain, so he started takiny off the bandage waiting for Horus to return.

Horus was walking back from the kitchen after cooking for both of them. The food was so simple today. His tiredness reached so high and he didn't know if he could handle it for so long, but at least he wanted to take care his mate as much as he can. He walked slowly back to the bedroom with the tray in his both hands. He could see, it was shaken as he almost got to the bedroom. "Please, Horus, you are only one who can do everything. don't fall down" He said to himself, walking into the bedroom. He smiled as he saw that Al was so much better in days. Everything was good, except his body. He breathed heavily, trying to control his balance and his hands were shaking a lot.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Al was sho1cked to see how pale and weak Horus had become in 2 days. He could almost hear how the cups and plates bumped into each other because of Horus' hands shaking. He took over the tray and guided him down to sit on the bed beside him, clutching Horus' hands tightly. "Oh god Horus... you are.... is it becasw of taking care of me? Oh my love..." al was feeling very guilty for making his mate suffer so much. He wrapped him in his arms, making him rest against his chest. His bandages were still half tied on his torso, but he couldnt care about it now. All he could think of was how Horus had been taking care of him and how touched he was by that.

Horus closed his eyes as he was leaning on Al's chest. He could hear Al's heartbeat was so fast it that time. he touched Al's stomach and smiled as he found that it was not too bad anymore. "I..I'm glad that it happens when you're so much better like this. I...it's not your fault Alkaid. my morning sickness becomes worse again. I..I just need to rest for a bit" He said tiredly. Horus didn't look like someone who just needed a bit rest anymore. His face was pale and he didn't almost have enough energy to move or do something. "I'm just worried about the babies. I didn't take care them well enough. I'm sorry" He whispered and nestled his face on Al's chest. Al could feel Horus's tears came out from his eyes.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Horus...." al patted Horus' back, his heart ache at how miserable his mate looked. "You shouldnt be the one saying sorry." He put his hand on the cute belly of Horus and felt underneath. Some tiny trembling could be felt through the belly, showing the bbaies should be still alright, though he wouldnt know for sure. "Your morning sickness shouldnt be lingering that long. It might be because of me forcing you to handle blood and also all those chores. I am so sorry Horus...." Al wanted to get up to rake care of Horus but when he tried to say something, he started coughing. He hadnt been drinking any water for some time now and his body protested. To heal itself his body needed large amount of water. He couldnt stop his coughing now and his whole body shook with each cough.

Horus wiped his tears as Al couldn't stop coughing. "I couldn't be like this when you do not get well enough to do many things by yourself." He released Al's hand and helped him. "Do you want something? I cooked some food for you. You should eat it." He said tiredly, trying to handle himself as much as he can. He didn't know if Al wanted something.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"…water?…" Al said between his cough, his face red from he coughing. He glanced around wanting to get a cup for himself but couldnt find any nearby. He saw one on the table opposite to their bed and he tried to get down to get it himself. Horus looked too tired and sick he didnt want him bothered.

"I'll get it for you. just picking some water doesn't affect me too much, " He said tired but got out of the bed for the water. Horus couldn't almost balance himself while walking and he took a little bit time to bring the water for his mate. "Dring it and eat your food. My sickness makes me lose appetite, but it's fine" He said, rubbing Al's back to help him stop laughing. He just sat on the bed beside his mate although he needed to rest.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Al took the water and gulped down, finishing it within second and finally could breath. "Thanks Horus. You had been too good for me..." he looked at him and wrapped him up, sharing his weight. "You needed rest. Let me take care of you from now on. I have fully recovered now." He said gently to his sick human. He rubbed on his back to sooth him, hoping this would make his nauseousnesss die down. "But you should tryto eat somethig. That's foe the babies. This tray of food is for both of us right?" He looked at the plates and took some mild looking fruit that's slightly sour for Horus, thinking something natural may make it easier for Horus to eat.

Horus smiled slightly as he heard that Al had fully recovered in just two days. Al's hand on his back didn't help him much with his nauseousness, but it made Horus felt so good, at least that helped him relax. He looked down as his belly when Al talked about the babies. He gently rubbed it and smiled softly "I...I don't know if I can eat something now, but I'll try. It's all for our babies" He didn't realized that he had completely changed the word that called the babies after Al proved himself that he truly love Horus by taking the demon's attack. He bit the fruit from Al and flinched a bit, but could eat it

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Al looked at Horus with worry, prepared to see him spew that out but when he successfully swallowed it, he smiled brightly andkissed Horus' cheek to commend him. "Good job Horus! That's very brave of you. Another piece? Our babies rely on you so you needed to keep yourself fed and healthy for them." Al had ommitted the change of word from Horus ths time, to call the babies "ours" just sounded too natural. He looked at Horus hopefully offering another another piece of fruit. He looked at the simple but delicious meal, thought for awhile, and ate a bite himself. "Now, fair?"

Horus didn't understand the mean of that words from his mate, but he thought he should do something back. He then grabbed the fork and took the for Alkaid. His face blushed slightly red when he moved the form to his mate. "E...eat this. You still need the energy to do many things" he said, trying to avoid watching Al's face. He didn't know if this would be good for both of them, but he thought he did it right. He rubbed his belly all the time during their meals. His instinct to protect his babies made him always did it. Horus didn't know when did he feel this way, but he liked to be here.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Alkaid's face light up getti.g offered food by Horus. He quickly ate it and kissed his flushed face. "Thank ou Horus, rhat's very delicious. Thank you for cooking , and thank you for feedin me. Hmm you look so atteactive with a blush here...." Al rubbed Horus' face with his thumb, happy to see the blush. The meal was soon finished between them feeding each other, and Al got ready to get out of bed to take away the tray. After putting the tray of the desk, he turned around and asked Horus. "Would you like to sleep here tonight? If you feel unwell... i could take care of you." Al lookrd at Horus nervously, not sure if he would agree.

Horus's face blushed darker with that words from his mate, but he didn't feel weird anymore when Al kissed him and touched his belly. He leaned his back against the headboard and closed his eyes to rest. He almost felt asleep but opened his eyes again when Al asked him to sleep in his room. Horus took a little long time to think about it. Although He had slept for many times in this room, it was the fisrt time that Al asked him to stay here. "Yeah. That would be good for us. I still want to take care you too" he said, looking at his mate and taking for awhile to ask something. "Umm, I don't know if it sounds strange, but can you massage my back? It is hurting from the weight of my belly."

(Idk if that's weird to ask Al massage Horus's bakc, but just want to make themget closer and closer lol)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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