C Dragon breeder in the Desert (w/ Dots)

(I think it would be alright. Whatever Horus asked for Al would fulfill it. Even better if he asked with a blush ;))

Al nodded with a big smile and got back to bed. He was thrilled to have Horus asking him to do things for him, it showed the human was starting to trust him and allowed him to know how he was feeling. "Do you want to lay sideways or.... lay on me?" He asked. If Horus was willing to lay on him, he could get very close to him. He would support his belly with his abdomen and Horus could rest his head on his chest. He hoped Horus would choose that so they could be very close, but he would understand if he preferred to be laying on sideways so he could rub hisback better.

Horus's face blushed red as he heard that. He had never thought about it before, but he really needed to relieve his stress now. "M...maybe I should lay on you. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you again. I'm still not used to this" He whispered then rubbed his belly softly. It was quite small with just only 5 months, but he knew that it'll be bigger soon with the twins inside there. Horus moved for a bit to get the place on the bed for Alkaid then he took off his shirt, showing his cute belly. His face became deep red, but ti was the best way to relieve the stress from his muscle. "DO you have any oil here?" He said.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Yea i think so." The dragon reached over to the drawers to take one out. "I... i was thinking perhaps this could be used one day." Al tried to explain but seemed like he was just making it sounded like he had planned for this. He decided to just skip this topic in case he got even more embarrassed. He smiled at Horus who had taken his clothes off, showing his belly completely. Al put his palm on the belly gently, and praised him. "You look very cute with our babies." He let Horus lay down on him, both were a little awkward, but they eventually came to a position where both were comfortable. "Ready?" Al asked just beside Horus, being so close he could almost kiss him.

Horus's face flushed darker when Al touched his belly and praised him. It was quite awkward for him to get very close with Al who he had ever scared him so much, but it was not now. Horus body looked quite small when he lay down on Al's strong and firm build. "Y...yeah, I'm ready. I just hope that I'm not bothering you too much. You just healed not long ago." He said, looking at his mate. He placed his hands on his belly and rubbed it gently.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Of coursw you wont. You and the babies would never be a bother to me. You couldnt imagine how happy I am to heae you asking for help from me." Al smiled sweetly at Horus. He was so thrilled to see Horus finally not facing him with a scared face. This was an unexpected outcomr from the encounter with the demon. He took the lotion and rubbed it on his own hands to warm up before putting them on the cute bump of Horus' and started rubbing soothingly.

It was quite strange for Horus at the start when Al's hands moved around his belly, but he finally used to it in secs. He closed his eyes, trying to relax as much as he can. Al could feel how his muscle stretched from working and taking his mate. Horus couldn't imagine when he became bigger than this time and the babies could move inside him. He just thought that Al would definitely help him handle everything. Horus could imagine when both he and his mate talked everything more about themselves and shared their nature.It should be better to share everything in their life if they decided to live together. Horus let a low moan when he was thinking many things and didn't control himself. Al could see Horus's face became the dark red

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Al chuckled amd kissed Horus' cheek fondly. "Dont be embarrassed by the sound. I.love it to know how good I am making.you feel this. It tells me I am doin a good job. Right?" He asked with a smirk.on him. It waz amazi.g to be touching Horus' belly like that. He never knew the belly felt so warm, and the bump was not very soft as he imagined because the babies were developing inside, and pushing out to form a slightly hard belly. He kissed Horus again and said in a low voice. "I.couldnt wait for them to grow, when they start to move around, i am sure it will be be a funny sensation."

Horus could only smile when his master said that. Al looked so much different from what he usually was in front of their servant. The dragon was kind and nice with his warm hand rubbing his belly. The weather got colder when the wind blew into the window, and Horus unconsciously hugged his mate tightly, drawing the smile for his bigger mate. He didn't even realize when he yawned and started falling asleep on Al's chest. The dragon was really warm, and he didn't want to leave this place for now. "Good night, Al" He whispered softly, but Al could clearly hear that since he didn't usually call the full name of his mate. Horus's skin was shining under the moonlight, showing his small bump that would grow bigger and bigger in the future.

(Idk if I did it good enough haha. 5 months but the babies haven't moved yet? I love to play the scen when the master dragon is excited with the moving babies ;), anyway, I think we've talked that their babies won't be the egg, right? since they will be the hybrid, but have all the dragon power.)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Goodnight...." Al sighed and hugged Horus close. He didnt know he could get this attached with th3 human, he never thought he would feel so strongly against the human. Perhaps it was because Horus was bearing his youngs. He lightly steoked Horus' belly and sighed. He no longer knew how he should treat him. What he was sure though, was he wouldnt be a harsh master anymore.

He stayed with Horus for long and bedore he knew that, he was falling asleep already. Whenbhe woke up again, it was already morning and he sneaked out to get breakfast ready.

Horus had felt asleep deeply since he didn't even realize when his master sneaked out from the bed. He woke up later with the sunlight from the window and the bird sound from the outside. Last night might be the best night since he had lived in this castle. He blinked his eyes, looking around the room. Horus wasn't familiar with this room yet, but he would since Al would exactly ask him to move to his room. He yawned, looking at the room while a big and smart man was walking inside."Good morning" He said with his sleepy sound that was cute. He was a bit surprised when his master placed a soft kiss on his forehead, but Horus loved it and he couldn't even hide his soft smile. His face blushed pink when his belly was growling. The babies seemed to need more food and caused their mother to eat more. The dining room wasn't far from the bedroom, so they would get there in time

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Horus just waking up from his sleep was cute and Al kissed him impulsively. He didnt realise he was doing it, it just seemed so natrual so he was surpeised himself. Luckily Horus didnt seem to mind and he was quite relieved. If Horus didnr like it, he could have even slapped him. The dragon accompanied the human to the dining hall, staying close but not exactly touching him as they went down the long corridors. The carpets hid their footsteps, and it was soft enough even if Horus tripped or fall because of whatever reason, he wouldnt hurt himself too bad. They were seated and the places set for them were right next to each other under Al's orders. He would prefer sitting close to him so he could observe, and possibly, maybe find out why he found himseld so attracted to the small man.

"If you want anything, let me know and I.would ask them to prepare for.you." he said sitting down himself, trying not to make this sound too, overbearing.

Although Al tried to not show his passion for too much, Horus still could feel something. His master had never stayed this close weeks ago, and now so many things turned to be different. "Thanks, Sir, but this is enough for me." He said, smiling softly at his master as he never did before. The moment was interrupted by the servant serving their breakfast. The bread, fried eggs, and more human food were served for them. He knew that this wasn't regular dragon food, but his master was pleased to eat this with his mate. He started with the corn soup and bread before realizing how his master was looking at him. "Y..You, should ea, SIr. Don't you need to work today?" Ge asked, he didn't really understand how the dragon work but Al also had his own territory, so he might need to do somethng with it.

(lol, I'm bad now! )

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Al smiled, almost wanted to tease the innocent question raised by Horus. "Hnm, my 'work' usually involve replying some letters and correspondence, yes, but it's nor exactly work like in your human terms i guess." Indeed his territory was vast and he needed to maintain some kind of business so that this place could run smoothly. Dragons had an innate affevtion to shiny things, so naturally they also like gold and money - for Al though, Horus was soon topping the list of his favourite things. "But for now i think my 'work' involve mostly to make sure you are alright.... maybe we can visit the library again, this time, together, so i could make sure you wouldnt bump into anythinf that's potentially dangerous." He smiled as he took his food.

(How are you bad now?)

(I mean, I did the reply so bad, Ill try to make it better :))

Horus didn't even know how to respond with that words from his master, but he was so happy to hear that. He wouldn't go to the library again without his mate after that nightmare, so this could be the best chance. "Yeah, We should go to the library again. I want to know more about the dragon." He didn't even realize how he cared so much about knowing his mate. He just smiled when Al moved even closer and tried to do something. Horus could know that his mare was trying to feed him, but Al seemed to worry about it, so he should start it first. The small man didn't say anything, but grabbed some bread and started feeding his bigger man. It was awkward at first, but better when they both knew how to respond with each other. "Good?" He asked, smiling softly.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Haha no you are good)

Al wasnt too used to taking food from someone. It was somehting that resembled getting fed like a pet,.but it was Horus and he didnt want the smaller man to feel stressed or rejected. He acccepted the bread, accidentally licked on his finger and smiled softly at Horus. "Hmm . Yep, it's good." He then offered food for Horus this time. When he wasnt feeling well he had fed him, but this time it was different, he think it made it very cozy and warm between the two. "You think the food is good? I.could ask the cook to prepare something else as well."

Horus smiled as his mate said that. He also got some meat that would give more energy for the dragon and started feeding him again. "It's good enough for me now, but yeah, maybe we can try something new. I wanna know what the dragon usually eat, umm I mean, not the fresh meat." He laughed softly since he didn't even know if the dragon would eat it. The breakfast took more time than usual since they both were enjoying with each other so much, and Al could see how Horus's belly bloated after their meal. The small man unconsciously rubbed his belly gently and didn't notice the dragon that was watching him. "I wonder about the feeling when the babies start moving. It'll be so amazing." He said, looking down at his belly genly.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"We dragons usually enjoy eating fresh meat, yes, but we also like fruits and things that are spicy. We are natrual fire users, so spicy things appeals to us.... do you think you could take that?" Al asked. He knew Horus came from a village in the xessert and some of their spices are quite hot as well.

He smiled when he spotted Horus and how his little belly was showing now. "I am glad you accepted them now." Al smiled seeiny how soft Horus was towards their babied. "I heard that at first ir would be soft strokes, then later when they become stronger and bigger, you might got awoken at night because of how hard they would be kxiking... might even bruise you!" He chuckled, squinting his eyes.

Herus smiled as he heard that. "Yeah, normally, I can handle the spicy things, but I don't know if they can." He said, rubbing his belly gently. Although he didn't know much about the pregnancy, spice wasn't good for the pregnant man, and even worse when he was big since it was used for inducing the labor. "If you want the spicy food, I'd rather eat other things then." He knew that Al usually followed what he wanted but sometimes letting his mate eat what he wanted was better. He also smiled gently as Al said about the babies. "I accepted them as the first day I knew, but.....you know how we were so bad at that time. I hope the better thing will come after this moment." He whispered, looking at his mate, and didn't even realized how Al hugged him gently after they finished the breakfast. "Hmm, I'm sure that they won't bruise me, but I will wake you up as well during the night." He joked.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Dont underestimate them.... dragon babies are very strong and active." Al said and added. "No problem, I would be therr for you. Maybe rub your belly and lure the babies back to sleep." He smiled and hugged him tighter, his palsm around his belly. "It would be quite difficult.. so please, whatever that would make you feel better, just tell me." He smiled, wishing, hoping Horus wouldnt say he wanted to leave this place or get away from him. He didnt know if everything is indeed alright now, or if the human still didnt enjoy his presence. His deepest fear was also Horus requesting to be released back to his own village, and that fear would remain with him.

Horus couldn't even move away from his master when almost his whole body was leaning to the dragon. His warmth was something Horus hadn't felt from anywhere. He indeed closed his eyes and enjoyed the scent of his master. "Yeah, this will be hard since they aren't the normal babies, but we will do it together." A small man was completely lost with the scent of his master. His big hand, rubbing his belly was warm and soft even it was a dragon's hand. He could clearly hear Al's heartbeat while his head was leaning to Al's chest. It was louder and faster than human, but he seemed to love it so much. " This is just the beginning. master. I don't know anything much about the dragon babies, so please teach me how to become their mother."
(I think we've taked about how the babies are the problem and the ritual for sharing their long living life? Maybe we can talk later, and skype seems to be faster ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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