C Dragon breeder in the Desert (w/ Dots)

Horus was leaning against him with a complete trust that moved Al's heart. He seemed so loving and reliant on him, even seeking for his advice now. It's so different from how they had been before Al was finding it.overwhelming, even a little too good to be true. He smiled at Horus and caressed his belly more. "Dont worry.... we would get through this together. I would be here with you always." He said and couldnt resist his urges and pressed a gentle kiss on Horus' forehead. He ruffled his hair and lifted him up all the way. "Shall we go to the garden? I think it would be lovely. Today's weather is very fine."

(Ya sure let's discuss about it... i seem to have a little memory about it, but anyway we should sort out the details)

Horus closed his eyes, enjoying with the soft kiss from his mate. He later opened his eyes, seeing Al's gentle smile that hadn't appeared so often. It made his master look even more handsome and nice. He released himself from his mate a bit to get more comfortable for moving to the garden. "Yeah, we should go to the garden, and then the library. I love reading, and I'm sure that the babies will be smart with it.." He joked, smiling softly.Although his gown was thin, it was enough for the weather today. He could stand by himself, but having some help from his master was always better. He couldn't help, but leaned back to Al as he supported his back with his bigger hand.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Al froze when he sensed how Horus leaned back.against his supporting hand. He didnt expect this and how Horus was depending on him had his heart beating os fast. He didbt wnat the human to notice his unease, so he kept his distance for his body but kept his hand close and strong on him. They walked slowly, Al was happy to escort his human to the garden in an easy pace. "You like reading? It would be nice... our babies would be told a lot of bedtime stories i guess." He smiled. His own childhood was lonely so hewas happy for his children to have a different one. "Have you taken care of any babies before?" He asked curiously. He didnt ubderstand the culture of humans so he was quite fascinated with their lives as well.

They walked for a bit around the garden and stopped at the rose bush which was Horus's favorite, especially the white rose. He laughed softly when his mate asked that with the innocent voice. They both hadn't known about each other's culture well enough, and it would need some time for learning each other. "I have never taken care of the babies before, and yeah we should have a lot of bedtime stories, but I need to read more..." He stopped saying for a moment when it reminded how he lived with only his brother after his parents died, and then his brother had passed away last year. Horus could feel how Al wrapped his arm around him and held him tightly. The dragon seemed to sense the sadness of his mate. He shook his head, trying to forget about it although he would never be able to do that. Horus rubbed his belly gently, thinking about making his babies had better life than their mother

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

When that sad look appeared on Horus' face, he knew he was thinking about his lost family. He hugged him tight and found himself wanting to wipe that sad face away from Horus. This was a chance, and Al decided he should make good use of this. "Horus.... i know you always miss your family.... the babies would be your new family, so, would you, hmm. .." the dragon had to clear his throat to buy timr organixing his thoughts. "Would you, accept me into your life? Horus.... I have fallen in love with you. I wnated to be there with you, always, no matter what happened. Would you.... accept my love and be the mate for life with me?"

Horus didn' fully understand what his master said, but he was so happy right now. "W.....what do you mean, Sir? I thought I can be only your servant. T....this mean so much for me." He said with his shaking voice. Nothing was clear until the last minute about their relationship. He rubbed his belly, and looked up at his now lover as said, "Family? Would you also become my family, Sir?" He whispered softly. Horus almost cried out at the moment, and Al could see his wet eyes. "But I'm a human, Sir. We can live together for now, but I'll get older and older. if someday, I die...." He stopped saying that since it was the saddest thing for them. No one wanted to leave their lover, but they were so much different.

(You, re so hurry, huh? ;), but it's fine hehe)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Haha yea I had been a littl3 qyick.... oh well, i guesss it could be this way as well?)

"Of course I would be your.family as well! How else are you going to be parents to our babies?" Al smiled looking at Horus' belly. "Dont cry.... i like to see you smile." He gently wiped away the tears that oveeflowed from Horus' eyes with his thumb. "Yes we are different.... but there's a way to solve that. Come, I would show you." He smiled and took Horus' hand, then led him back into the house. He was sligbtly embarrassed. "Sorry to be dragging you everywhere..... i need to show you something in the library. Would you be tired? Should we wait?" He suddenly realised how reckless he had been in hurrying Horus to go. Afterall he had been pregnant and he would hated it if he made him tired.

They walked slowly to the library, and they even stayed closer this time as Al supported both Horus's back and belly with his both hands. He shook his head when his lover asked that, and smiled softly. "Hmm, it's fine, We have talked to go to the library during the breakfast, and I'd love to readd some book." He said, smiling while they were walking slowly. They took a bit time to get there when the library was in another dome because it's so big since it was used to keep the books from hundred or even thousand ago. "You should lead me this time, and we can stay for longer if you don't want me to be so tired." He joked when the got in front of the big library door.

(it's fine, but maybe just show this time? I'd love to do the ritual after their wedding day.)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp


Al released Horus to open teh door. "Don't worry, I would never leave you alone for long from now on... i have come to realise you could be a little troulbemaker." Al smiled fondly at Horus and led the way into the library. He brought him to the corner where his desk was beside the fireplace, but didn't stay. He took him straightly to a corner of the library where the books were all about dragons and their ancestry. Selecting one book from a high shelf where Horus could not see, he brought it down and took Horus' hand again, bringing him back to the comfrotable high chairs. "Here..... this book contained everything about dragons rituals..... and this is the one I wanted you to read about." He flipped through the pages sitting next to Horus and then placed the open book on Horus' lap. He was gettin ga little embarrassed and cleared his throat. "Y-you,... you read it, I would go take care of some letters here...." He almost escaped from his side, knowing exactly what Horus was going to read.

Horus didn't fully understand what the book said since it was an ancient language but he could see how this ritual was important since it was described with a lot of details. He frowned as he could realize what his lover wanted to tell him. "Sir, this is? I...I mean..." He didn't know what to say but moved closer to his lover and handed the book to him. "I can't understand clearly, but Can I? This will take a lot of power for you, Sir and you won't be able to use the power for weeks." He pointed at the pictures of the dragon that was sharing their power during the ritual. It would take weeks till the power would be fully recovered. "This is really big ritual, Sir, and I can life with you for the whole life after this. I...m.." His voice was shaking again.

(lol, Idk if you want something special about te ritual, so I didn't talk much about the details of it. ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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Al always couldnt bare to see Horus' tears, and when he saw his eyes watering up, he sighed and flicked his nose. "My little fool.... yes of course you can. I want to share my life with you.... not only for the babies' sake, but also for our sake. I have fallen in love wirh you.... i could not lost you anymorr. Not after last time. So, would you do me the honor? Perhaps...." he opened his drawer to take a little box out. There was a key inside that was adorned with jewels. He put the key in Horus' hand and said, acting slightly shy. "This is the key to my warehouse... or you could say, a safe, where all my treasures are. Would you do me the honor to choose a ring inside...... and put it on your ring finger?" He said awkwardly. He knee it should be some ritual for humans when they made a vow to share their life together, so to be respectful of Horus, he decided to complete the ceremony in the human forms befroe they perform the dragon one.

(I hadnt tbought of it yet.... so, let's see what we couls think of when we got to that part? ;))

Horus smiled softly as his lover said that. He leaned forward and touched Al's face softly then said. "This is such the happiest day in my life, Sir. I'll let you choose that for me, that can be better, and I will love everything from you. Alkaid" It was one of few times that Horus called Al with his full name, and he wanted to show his respect to his lover as well. It was a bit awkward before they both even got closer, and placed a soft kiss on each other. It was on his forehead as othe times, but it was on their lips. The kiss was soft and sweet, and nothing could be better than that. A small man hugged his lover tightly when Al wrapped his arms around him. His embrace reminded Horus about his lost brother, and he was really grateful for it.

(ya, that's fine.)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"That's a yes right?" Al said excitedly and his smile grew even brighter when he heard thr human calling him by his full name. He kissed back and hugged Horus tighr, wrapping.him up entirely in his embrace, and lifted him up again. "Now i would show my bride around... that's how you call it, correct? You are my bride and I am your groom.... what should we do aside from tbe ring? Should I invite anyone to.come? I dont.know much about how you humans do it...." he said, already thinking ahead on how to complete thr ceremony.

He went down tbr dungeon and held Horus up so he couls reach the keyhole rhat's very high. He put him down and told him to stay behind when he pushed open the heavy metal door to show his collection. It's a place that's filles with gold and jewrls, and also the most private part of the castle. It showed how determined Al was in this relationship, trusting Horus entirely to show him his most precious treasures.

Horus smiled with how Al seemed to be excited about their wedding day. "Yeah, we should invite someone, It's yours, Al, you know that I've lost all of my family, but we still have time for thinking about it. It will be a big ceremony with how this land is so big, huh?" He said, smiling. They walked slowly to the treasure room which should be the last place for today. They walked deeper into the room where the most precious treasure was kept there. It took a bit time for Al to find the ring, but he seemed to have some idea since Al instantly brought the ring to Horus when he found it. "Is this mine?" He asked when Al handed him a box and Horuus opened it slowly. It was the ring with a sapphire in the middle and the small diamonds around. It wasn't too big for Horus, and he loved it so much since the blue was his most favorite color. He handed the ring back to his mate and smiled when Al had already knelt before him again. "You know that, right? Wear on my fingers, my love." The word "Love" could be heard by Al, and it was the first time Horus said that.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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"Yes it is.... this is a magical ring that was said to be left from our ancestor. We dragons did not have a human form at the very beginning, but one of your ancestors fell in love with mine. Your ancestor was a wizard and he possessed enough power on his own to change their children's anatomy. That's how we get to change forms so easily now...." He looked at the sparkling ring and knelt down. "This is a ring that would only show itself when the right pairs appeared, you are my right one, Horus, I love you." His face lit up when he heard Horus addressing him for the first time as "love", and excitedly fitted the ring on his ring finger and lifted him up by his hip and swiveled him in the air. "I am so happy Horus.... indeed I am the happiest dragon, if not man, in the world." He said and pressed a deep kiss on the human, bending him over holding his back.

Horus was a bit surprised when his late lifted him up in the air, and in fact, he was in the bridal style now. A deep kiss was hot, and sweet at the same time, and the small man was panting when his lover released it. "Hold on, Master. This is too fast for me, especially when I'm pregnant." He joked, smiling at the man that would become his husband soon. Al seemed to realize how he was too excited when he placed a small man down and sat beside him. "I'm also the happiest too. I love you, Alkaid. We haven't started this with passion, but we can make it better and better. Would you do that with me? My love?" He asked as he rested Al already placed him on his lap and their face was facing each other now.

(Hmm that's so sweet about the ring and wizard ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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(haha yep i thought so)

"Let's put up a wedding before you got too big. And then afterwards I could share my power with you.... so you could provide more for our babies." Alkaid smiled softly and pressed their foreheads together. It was all so beautiful, Al could not wait to make Horus his own. "It would take time for them to prepare though... I wanted to invite everybody so they could know how happy I am and how happy we are as a couple. Let's make it, 1 month from now? there would be some guests woudl couldn't make it, but i think it would be the best itming..." Al said already making up a list of guests. Their ritual could not be too late as well, he was afraid Horus could not support for the babies for too much longer on hi sown.

Horus smiled as he heard that, and he could even feel how Al was addicted to his body, especially his belly. "Yeah, 1 month from now is good, and I'll be 6 months at that moment that isn't too big, but good enough to show all the guests about the upcoming heirs of the great dragon" He joked, smiling softly. He could feel how Al even pulled him closer and his belly almost touched with his abs now. "Hmm, I think we should leave now. I have to say that this room is not a good place for our babies." He said with how to room was so stuffy that didn't have good air flow for the babies. "Maybe we can get back to the library? I haven't read any book about the dragon, Al. How can I take care of you and our little ones without that information?" He said, smiling. Although they had the servant that did everything for them, Horus still wanted to take care of his family by his own.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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"Ok, let's leave. Anything else you want to take from here? It's not that frequent that I come down here, even for myself." He said letting Horus go so he could take a good.look of his inventory. Everything was shiny, many of them adorned with gold and jewellery. Seeing his mate was only interested in him and the babies, he smiled, but was quite haply that his mate wasnt those who would like material and extravagance, and led him away from the safe.

He let Horus walk on his own, him only holding his hand. It felt cozy, and they felt so connected even when they were only linked by their hands, and returned to the library. "The book that i showed you have a lot of information inside.... but it's very boring even for me, so you could read it before you sleep i guess...." he smiled pointing at the book they just left on the chair before they headed to find the ring.

They walked slowly back to the library, and Horus was glad that his lover didn't see him as a giant big mother, and didn't let him do anything by himself. They got back to the chair and sat back fir reading the book again. Horus smiled as his lover said that. "Hmm, don't underestimate me, Al. I think I can read this, but we may bring it back to the bedroom as well." He said, smiling. He could fee how Al stayed so close to him. He didn't seem to interest with anything but his over now. They spent much time then they thought, and it was afternoon when Horus realize how long they had stayed there, and Al was still enjoying watching and staying closer with his mate.

(We can skip to the night if you want. Hmm their first night together as a lover should be romantic, right? ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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