C Dragon breeder in the Desert (w/ Dots)

(Ah right. Yes. Let's skip)

Time always flew when he was spending it wirh Horus, and Al chuckled realising how.late it was. They went for dinner, which both enjoyed as they have only had snacks during thr afternoon, and Al cousln take his eyes off Horus's face and also, the sparkling ring on his finger. He whispered to the servant for them to prepare something in the bedroom when they were halfway through dinner, and smiled hoping he could see a surprised look from.Horus when they returned to their room.

He took Horus' hand and pulled the chair out for him after they had finished even the dessert. "Let's go to bed.... you have done enough reading for.one.day, now is the time for us to, rest?" He asked, quirking his brow up whne he said the last word. He had some idea but he would see if Horus was in the mood.

(cousin? I thought he doesn't have one. I mean you set Al as living alone in the palace, but it's fine if you wanna change haha)

"Hmm, bed? don't we need to take a bath first?" He asked while they were living the dining room. They also had a bathroom setting in the bedroom, so it wouldn't be any problem for them. They walked slowly since Horus was full now, and he couldn't walk any faster. He was a bit surprised when they got to the room and he could smell his favorite fragrance. "What's this scent? Did you prepare for me? Hmm, I love it." He said, smiling at they walked inside. The room was decorated with many types of the flower, and he didn't even know the meaning of this.

(I didn't play much since idk what if your plan haha, and please, don't rush. I mean we better do more romantic moment than just rushing to sex scene.)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(That's a typo.... i want to type couldn't.....sorry about that..)

"Well if you want a bath, yes. I sometimes forget.... my species of dragon dont like water that much." Al had to ait he didnt really like taking a bath. Mostly for him it would be shower. He doesnt sweat much anyway, he wasnt exactly a human afterall. Taking Horus' hand, he led him into the bedroom and smiled when he saw his servants had done as he was told. "There's more...." he waved his hand and the deocrations lit up in fire. The fire wasnt too hot, and it soon lit up the whole room. It was a trial of fire among flowers, where the flames were showing yellowish and red colors around the room. It's Al showing his power and his ability to control fire. "Do you like it?" He asked holding Horus from.behind, his hands holding his belly.

(Oh, ok. Ya, some romantic stuff first)

The smell was more intense when the fire was lit by his lover. Horus couldn't help but lean on his lover at the moment he supported him with his body, showing how a pregnant mother was enjoying this so much. "Yeah, this is the best, Al0 Thanks for giving me such a good time" He whispered softly. They started to move slowly when the music started playing. It came from nowhere, and that could also be Al's magic to create a wonderful moment for both of them. "You're the best, Al, and you'll be the best father." He said while also rubbed his belly gently. They didn't move too muchs cine Horus was already tired from his long day, but they could enjoy the moment together. "Hmm, this could be a lot better with a warm bath. Maybe we should try next time. Let's see if I can convince my dragon to have a bath with me" He joked while they are still moving around but with the same posture since Horus really loved how Al was holding his belly now.

(Hmm, You know we can also have fun with the bath hehe ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Yep bath for next time... maybe when Horus was big enough his belly would become an island above water)

They slow danced through the room, al also enjoying touching Horus' belly. It's amazing and he could really feel the bump.developing.on the small frame of Horus. It was so obvious, such a vibranr sign of new lives developing. He chuckled. "How do you know I would be a good father? But I am sure you would be a good.mother. you are already peotecting them so much, even before they are born." He smiled and kissed Horus' cheeks lightly. "Hm, if you really want a bath, then yes we could go for it.... ir could be good for relazing you when you get bigger. You would get sore a lot whne the babies become larger right?" He caressed Horus' belly as well as they moved closer to the flowers and Al picked a rose for Horus.

(Hehe you're so naughty, but Al still take a shower, right? I think It's cute with Horus with blushing face when he sees his lover only with a towel hehe)

"How do you know that I'll get sore, huh? Hmm I'm stronger than you thought, Al, but yeah, that can be some problems, and you'll help me, right?" He teased, smiling softly. Horus couldn't take his eyes off the red rose fro his lover. It was still on fire, but he couldn't feel any hot from that. It might be Al's magic again. It was a moment when the fire had disappeared, and the scent of the rose was even stronger. He held that flower and put it on his chest when his heart was located when he turned around and faced his lover with a bright smile. "You give so many things to me, Al. It's such a shame that I can't give anything back, but I have something." He looked deeply into Al's eyes, trying to tell how he loved his lover. "I just realized that you also need a rig, Al. I do have one that comes from my brother, but it makes of the silver and doesn't even have any gem on it. Will you wear it for me, Al?" He asked, placed the rose on Al's heart. That ring might have on cost, but it was more important than anything.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Ya shower yes. I am loojing forward to seeing horus blush as well!)

Al was surprised by Horus' offer. He pressed a hand over the rose that Horus offered to him and smiled brightly. "Of course I would accept that ring.... I am very honored. The ring must mean so much for you. Horus... please, dont feel obligated to give me the ring, I know you wanted to give me something as well, but I also understand how much the ring mean to you. It's from your brother and I am sure we could find some alternative, maybe in my collection.... besides, you should not feel like you could not give mr anything back." Al smiled softly ane hold Horus' belly with both hands, covering i4 entirely with his large palms beside his bellybutton. "You have given me this ...." and then he moved onr hand up to cover Horus' heart. "And you have also given me this." He smiled nuzzling into his face. "Those two things are alreadt the most precious in the world for me."

Horus press his hand on Al's chest when the heart was there and smiled widely. He shook his head when his lover said about the ring. Although It meant so much for him, he wanted to give this to someone that would become his husband. "I don't wanna keep it anymore, Al. I used it when I feel lonely, but I think I don't want that anymore, and you also mean so much for me, my love, so please keep that for me." He whispered softly. He kissed his lover again when Al bent for that. It was so sweet and soft. They walked slowly to the bed while they were kissing.AL had already placed his lover down on the bed and knelt down before him when they released their kiss. His face was facing Horus's belly, so he could see his small bump clearly.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Thank you my love... I promise I would take good care of it. Your ring is secure with me... just liek your heart." Al smiled looking up fron Horus' belly to meet his.lover's eyes. He then kissed his belly as well. "And babies, i promise you would have very loving parents. Mommy and daddy love you all so much." He smiled and pressed his facr lightly on the bump. Horus wasnt too big yet, and therr wasnt much space for Al to hold. It looked like the dragon was occupying all the space on Horus' lap and his head brushed against Hprus' breast as well.

(Hmm, you're so naughty already ;) PLease be gentle since it's his first time with real sex)

Horus's breasts weren't that big now, but he still could feel some pleasure when his lover touched it. He rubbed Al's hair gently while he was kissing his belly again, and placing his face on his lap. "Let's see if we can handle with tow baby dragons at the same time. Being parents isn't easy when their daddy is a king of this domain." He teased his lover, rubbing his hair gently. Al was so sweet and cute when he was with his lover. Horus could feel when his lover started to unbutton his robe, showing his bare belly. It felt strange when someone touched his private part, but also good when that person was his lover.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(He would be very gentle... let's start witrh some belly rubs. I was thinking more like his breasts would be a little painful as well, swollen and hard with the changes.)

"How do you know there's two? Or should i say, only two?" Al smirked looking up at Horus. "You do know dragons usually are mutliplrs right? I think it was mentioned somewhere in the book you have read this morning." Hd opened Horus' robe to get to his belly, and reached into the basket he had the servants prepared. He moved Horus further upthe bed so he would sit coomfortably against the headboard with pillows supporting his back. Al then.opeend the tube of lotion he had grabbed from the basket and started rubbin gently on Horus' belly. It wasnt just Horus who was curious and concerned with his lover, Al had also done his homework in learning how to take xare of his pregnant human.

(Haha that's fine, anyway its twins this time, right? and next time maybe one hehe. You know that I tend to love having a small family. I hope you don't mind.)

"Multiples? I thought you're wrong this time. Some kind of dragon will have only one or two, especially the great dragon likes someone here." He teased his lover while they were moving to the headboard. He smiled widely when he saw the lotion in Al's hand. "Hmm, you're such a good father now." He teased again when Al started rubbing his belly gently. AL could see how Horus had already had some stretch marks on his belly. He might need a lot of belly rub when his belly war getting bigger and bigger. A small man let a soft moan when his lover moved on his side and then his back where the muscle was sore after walking to many places. He put his head n AL's shoulders when they were so close, and his lover let him rest on his body.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Oh I just thought since they are dragons = big lizards = a clutch of youngs, i.e. at least 3? But yea, 2 would be good as well I guess....)

It felt good to have Horus resting on him. The smaller man's weight and wamrth felt like.... family. It took a bit of time for Al to find that word, but indeed Horus had become so important while he didnt notice. He didnt realise he was in love until he was so immersed in it he found that he was hopelessly in love. He smield and tilted his head to rest agaibst Horus' head as well while his warm hands made sure every sore muscle of the human was taken care of. The room was silent but they didnt need words now, every little action from each other was enough to tell how loving they were to each other.

(There are so many theories about the dragon, but the great dragon usually doesn't have a lot of youngs. 2 is really good for me, I thought 1 for next time, but it can be 2 as well. Sorry that I'm so picky sometimes ;()

They spent more time on rubbing Horus's belly and didn't even have any words, but hey could feel the feeling of each other. Horus almost felt asleep if his lover didn't place a lost kiss on his cheek when the massage was finished. "Hmm, thanks, Al". this is so good, my love." He whispered, smiling softly. He was a bit surprised when his lover placed another kiss on him and it was hotter this times. He could feel how Al was moving his hands around his body. Horus couldn't help but moan softly with the pleasure. He didn't even realize when he also started to unbutton Al's robe, showing his perfect build in human form.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Alright.... 2 i guess. I want to differentiate this from normal human pregnancies a little...)

Al was focusing mainly on Horus' lower bellly now. It was particularly sensitive, with the babies stretching him wide. His touch was gentle but also inviting, making Horus shiver and he would cutely cross his legs and arch his back, looking like he was confused, didn't know whether to press closer to him or to push him away. Him crossing his legs also look like he wnated to hide his slowly awakening erection. Al distracted Horus with more kisses. he hoped the sensation would not remind Horus too muhc of thier painful first night together.

(differentiate? hmm, we can do anything more than just the numbers of the babies. Maybe they're more active than human babies? hehe)

Horus didn't expect to respond to his lover this much, but even kisses and touches for his lover could drive him crazy so easily. Although his body reacted by crossing his legs, he couldn't his erection anymore. He could feel how his cock was pushing against Al's lover part, and he could also feel how Al's cock was also twitching against him. Their top part was already naked, and Horus couldn't even take his eyes off Al's perfect body. His muscle was so beautiful, showing how the dragon was so strong. "Ahhh" He let a soft moan when Al reached his lover part, rubbing his belly and almost touched his cock. The small man was confused, but his body seemed to invite his lover for more and he couldn't even stop it. e pinched his nails on Al's back when the pleasure was too much, and that could drive the dragon even more crazier.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(err... if we are making them more active, I would probably tend to make Horus bruise on his belly from the strong kicks of the babies. anyway, let's stick to twins?)

It's amazing how simpy by touching his belly, Al was able to drive Horus into such a dazed and aroused state. The small human was so senstiive. He couldn't believe he had missed all these months of intimate touching that could lead to so beautiful a scene of Horus getting aroused. He continued to stroke his belly to drive Horus crazier. It was the nail on his back that had Al's desire breaking through as well. He removed his pants and gently removed the lower clothing of Horus and got him entirely naked, then spread his legs and planted his feet on the bed. He smiled when he saw how it looked like Horus was about to give birth in that position. What they were about to do, however, wouldn't be that painful. He stroked Horus' erection and lifted it up, using his split tongue to fondle with it, then pushed his thighs further apart to reveal the tiny twitching hole.

(Haha, yeah, that's bad for a small man. You can tell if you have any idea, anyway, we can have more if we can make labor easier. I'm not reallly into long labor now, but it should still be painful.)
Horus's belly wasn't too big now, so AL could push his legs a bit further, showing his opening. He couldn't even breathe when the dragon play with his cock by his split tongue. He moaned out loud when Al started sucking his cock again while he was also inserting his fingers inside Horus's opening which was tight and needed to be stretched for Al's big cock. "Ahhh, ghhhh." Horus moaned softly, rubbing his side with his both hands when his lover was getting between his legs. He didn't expect this much pleasure, but a small man couldn't stop himself now. His face was red and his body was sweaty. He could even cum in any seconds although the most exciting part hadn't even started yet.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Al guessed it was nearing Horus' limit now, he seemed like he could cum any minute now. His heart was soft for his little human. It showed how inexpereinced Horus was and he had a feeling it was because of him thay Horus was so responsive. He continued stretching Horus' opening, testing his limit with another finger, probing at his hole. He licked his opening to lubricate it, making it wet so he could try to add another finger into Horus. Jsut when he was about to push in another finger, he felt Horus jerked and whimpered, and his little cock twitched and spurted out cum. Al chuckled at that suddne outbreak, he smiled knowing it was how his.lover responded to his touches. He smiled looking at the little white stain on his cute bump and, while Horus was still panting from the pleasure, probed in another finger.

Horus screamed out loud again when his lover added another finger inside his hole. He couldn't wait for any longer. His cock was still twitching although he had cum already. His whole body was shivering in the pleasure from his lover. "Al... I w...want you, p..please" He said with his shaking voice while he was looking at his lover. He moaned again when his lover bent closer and licked all over his belly, tasting all his cum. He even spread his legs wider, inviting his lover to come in. Horus didn't even understand how his lover could hold that for a long time, but Al seemed to lose his control now as his cock was also twitching so bad.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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