C Dragon breeder in the Desert (w/ Dots)

Al was holding back with great difficulty, but he didnt want Horus to feel too much pain in this "first time" that they really made love. He had 3 fingers thrusting in Horus now and he would spread them a little to get him more ready. He panted when Horus called for him and spread his legs wide, and positioned his cock to his entrance. He quicklys withdrew his fingers, and while his opening was still spasming, looking like it was unused to the sudden emptiness, Al pressed his.cock in. He was thick, and his memver still stretched Horus wide. He heard the gasp and stopped pushing forward. "Horus? Is this too much?" He said and already he was withdrawing, thinking he needed more preparaton.

Horus didn't expect to be stretched his much by Al's cock.It was hurt and made him gasp at the first time, but he didn't want to stop it. He would bear more pain if that made them be able to spend the time for longer. Horus wrapped his arms around Al's body and pinched his nails down on his back whil he was trying to handle the pain that would become the pleasure soon. "N...no, Just keep going." He said, trying to catch the breath even more. Al could see how Horus's tear ran down from his eyes that made him stop it again. "I....It's fine, Al. Just make it slow. I love you, honey." He whispered, smiling at his lover. Horus wanted to show his strength, and how he wanted to be the consort of the dragon lord.

(What do you do if I make Horus say to stop? ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(He could. Any time. Just it would be a very long time until Al attempt again knowing he had hurt Horus again. Hmmm, I dont know, if.you really hated sex scenes so much, we could skip it. I do have rps with no sex scenes. Just to let you know.)

Horus was incredibly right and to be honest, Al could not hold back for too much.longer. it's so pleasurable what his cockhead was.experiencing, he.couldnt wait to havr his entire member enjoying the same sensation. But seeing Horus' tears made him.stop. he kissed away the tears and smiled, a smile of.appreciation and gratitude, one of.love and fondness. "You are so good to me Horus. Thanks for allowing this...." he continued his way in while kissing Horus heatedly on his.lips. he thrusted in slow, so slowly it was almost agony for.him as well, but.he continued for he knew it would become.pleasurr for Horus soon.

(Just wanna tease my seeder ;) The rp will have no fun without sex when it's not too much hehe. You don't know how much I love it when it kinda turn to be sex scene, but you can hold it and make it become just cuddling or rubbing scene :))

It was agony for a little pregnant man. He let a pain moan when Al had torn his opening for a bit, making some blood leak out. Horus could see how his lover had stopped it instantly and his face looked so worried about it. It was hurt, but he didn't want to stop it at all. Horus held Al's face and looked deeply into his eyes. "It's fine, Al. I can handle that. just do it, honey." He whispered, trying to smile at his lover while his tears were running down from his eyes. He wrapped his legs around Al's waist since it could make his lover go easier. He wrapped his arms around Al chest again when they started it again, and this time seemed to be better, but he was sure that he wouldn't be able to walk by himself tomorrow.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(I guess I dont really understand that logic... that should be classified as "no sex" if turn out they just do cuddling right?)

It worried the dragon sensing he must have broken something, suddenly Horus' wasnt too overwhelmingly tight, but he.proceeded hearing how brave his little human was in enduring this. He tried thrusting a little, his cock was not.entirely inside of Horus yet but he tried to find his sweet spot first to make it less of an agony for Horus. It.would take time for the human to adjust to his size, he wasnt really.normal human, that'a why it was so difficult. He started gently moving, searching for just the right angle - then he saw the bloodstains on the bedsheet and paled. He had once again hurt Horus. It was unacceptablr and he pulled out. "No.... I am so sorry Horus... I shouldnt ..." the dragon was horrified. He didnt expect Horus to be hurt this much, and he quickly got off bed. His erection was still standing up.proudly, but he could not just continue. "I am so sorry...." he said and pulled on his hair and turned away.

(No! that's this time. I want ti now, but just another time, for example when Sam got so tired from walking a long day, and Henry didn't force him to have sex although the night was so romantic. I still love sex, and it's the funniest for me. :))

Horus was so guilty with this, but he couldn't control it himself. They needed more time to adjust to each other. Something there reminded him their first night that was the worst nightmare for a little human. His tears ran down and he couldn't even control it, but it wasn't the same reason again. That night Horus wanted the dragon to leave him, but this night he wanted his lover to stay here. He couldn't move to hold his mate, but he could say something. "Al, p...please, don't leave me. No need to apologize, my love." He knew his Al would feel with his blood, but they would never be able to do this if they didn't have the first time. "I want you, Al. believe me, I can handle this. I wanna be with you." He whispered at his lover, and AL could see how Horus was crying when he turned in. His legs were till spreading for his lover, and the laceration wasn't too bad to continue their first night.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Alright... hmm sometimes i.would get the hints from Sam wrongly. I.would thought he wanted sex but.in fact he didnt. Yea I would pay more attention to that.)

Al was about to fly away in his dragin form to find some place tocool down. His erevtion was still painfully hard and he didnt know if he could control himself for long being so.close to Horus. The human was so attractive his desire could take over anytime. He lookrd back in surprise when Horus called for him, and something that was on his facr touched him, telling him that Horus was wanting this every bit like him. He sighed and returned to the bed and hugged Horus, lifting him up so he would be sitting on his lap. He pressed little kisses on hima nd smiled. "It's alrigt, I am staying, I am here.... we would get trhough this."

(I love what you do now, so keep it ;) anyway Do you still wanna make this as the sex scene? I really love that, but if you wanna change to something, I'm fine.)

Horus was still crying when Al put him on his lap. He could fee how his cock was still standing, but his lover hadn't out it in his opening since it would tear his opening apart with that position but they could get back and did it again. Horus rested his face on Al's chest while he was rubbing his hair gently, placed another kiss on his forehead. "We can do it, honey. Believe me, I can handle that. please let me stay on your side, Al." He whispered, looking at his lover. He didn't even know why he became this sad, but he just wanted to stay with his lover and had their first time together since It could erase the painful memories from that night.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(I thought you didnt want sex ... ok we would do it this time)

Al smiled at Horus and nodded. "Yes, this would be wonderful for us..." he then put Horus up to all fours. He would get inside of Horus from the back so it.would be less demanding on the small human. He spread his legs and buttocks, then once again guided his cock into him. He pressed in.slow, his cock was less thick now with his arousal dying down a little because of what happened just now, so it was easier to get into Horus. They both groaned when finally, Al bottomed out on Horus. He waited, panted himself as well as he stayed where he was. He waited for Horus to adjust to his length and width, rubbed his thighs, and then very slowly, started thrusting.

It was easier this time, and Horus could feel the pleasure inside his ass. He couldn't even stay on his fours without any help from his lover. He screamed out loud, but with the pleasure this time when Al touched his sweet spot. He gasped when his lover tried to go even further, and finally, all Al's cock was inside his ass now. "Ahhhh, s...so good, Al." He whimpered, moaning in the pleasure when his lover started to move his cock back and forth slowly. Al might need to hold some of his desire to his hurt his little human, but it was better for both of them. He bent further, staying on his when the pleasure was too much, making his opening open even wider and could let his lover move his cock easier. They took a bit time to adjust their position while Al was holding his belly to maintain the balance of his lover.

(I always want ti ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Horus' belly dangled low and fit perfectly in Al's palm while he thrusted. He splayed his finger and wrapped Horus' belly protectively while he drove the human further down the spiral of pleasure. He groaned when Horus clenched tight on him, feelinethe pleasure slowly overtaking his consciousness. Al smiled seeing how the arms of Horus trembled under him, and gradually strengthened his hold on Horus so he wouldnt be too pressured in keeping himself up. "Horus... is this good? Am i making you feel this like I do? Feeling pleasure?" He asked directly, hoping the human would answer him of the affirmative, needing Horus' reassurance that he wasnt the only one enjoying this.

Horus couldn't even answer his lover at the first time since the pleasure was too much. He moaned and tried to keep his balance while he was breathing heavily. "Y...Yeah, f...fel so good." He whimpered. He couldn't move his body as much with this position, so he let his lover do what he wanted. He screamed again when his lover pressed on his sweet spot again. His cock was twitching so bad, and his hips instantly moved along with the rhythm of his lover. His opening was warm and wet now, so he could feel every moment of Al's cock. He would defenietly fall if Al didn't hold him tight now since the pleasure was so much, and he stall want to more.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Al's hand would sometimes brush against Horus' cock if he thrusted deeper. He rubbed his belly when he gradually built up his rhythm, minding not to.get too deep so he wouldnt hurt th4 babies, but deep enough to make Horus moan so sweetly. "So tight and so warm for me Horus.... I love you." He bent forward to kiss between Horus' shoulder blades and then lifted Horus' soft upper body up, pressed him against the headboard so he.could nibble his.neck more.conveniently.

Horus leaned against the headboard while his lover was thrusting his cock in and out slowly. Although he couldn't see Als face how, but his sound was enough to drive him crazy. He moaned out loud when Al started kissing his neck and licked it with his split tongue. He couldn't help buy moved his hips along with his lover and he moved his cock back and forth. "I...I love you too, Al, Y...you're so good." He whimpered, moaning in the pleasure. He screamed even louder when his lover moved his hand up and started teasing his nipples. It was so sensitive even he was only 5 months now. His while body was shivering like a litle cat now wit the pleasure was so much inside his ass.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Al nibbled Horus' face and took him in his arms. He pressed him close to his chest so the entire back.of Horus was covered by Al. He smiled hearing what Horus had said and thrusted even harder into him, driving Horus crazy. "I love you so much Horus. He fondled with Horus' nipples and was delighted by how responsive he was. He couldnt see thrm at this angle, so he didnt see they were swollen and quite different from before. All he knew was Horus was responding sweetly to.his touches. He stroked gently down to the swell that was filled with their children. He stroked his cock as well and gently guided him to the peak of ecstasy.

(Horus was sitting on Al's now? That' not good for his soreness, but anyway hehe ;))

Horus screamed out loud when his lover moved his hand down and stroked his cock. He wa sure that he would cum soon with lots of pleasure inside his body. He couldn't move that much, and Al seemed to notice that when he use his hand and lift his little carrier up and down as the way he moved his cock inside his ass. Horus arched his back, and leaned back to his lover when Al focused on his cock head which the most sensitive spot. "Ahhh, hahh, I...I g...gonna cum soon." He whimpered, moaning in the pleasure. Al's split tongue was still on his neck then moved up to his ears that could drive a pregnant carrier crazier. Herus couldn't even say anything now.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(No, they are both kneeling up. Al lifted Horus halfway up so he was like pressing Horus onto the headboard)

The little man's whimper seemed to be fueling his desire. Al thrusted hard and deep into Horus, "come, come for me babe.... you are mine." He said and teased further into Horus' ear and got him to jerk and immediately a splash of warmth reached his hand. Horus came to his hand and Al moaned at how Horus also tightened his canal around him. "I am near as well...." he said, holding still for awhile, thrn whrn Horus still trembed in his arms, he started moving again driving the oversensitive man to another peak.of.pleasure. he thrusted hard and deep, the whole bed was shaking. His.left hand continued to tease his nipple while his right held his belly. In Horus' scream that was almost panicky from how overwhelming the pleasure was, Al also came in Horus.

(I can't imagine the image since you said Horus' back was on Al's chest, so that mean Al's cock would straightly go inside Hourus'a ass, but anyway, it's fine haha)

Horus screamed out loud again when Al shot his load inside his ass deeply into his womb. He might get pregnant with it if he hadn't been pregnant already. Horus's cock was jerking off again and make him cum again although his cum was clear this time. A small man couldn't even say anything. He could feel how he fell down onto Al's chest. Al's cock would surely thrust into his soreness if a great dragon hadn't held his lover and lifted him up for a bit. "I....I love you, Al. T...this is so good." He said, breathing heavily. Al's cock was still in his ass, and the cum would leak when Al pulled it out, but for now, they chose to stay for a moment, enjoying how it was warm and nice. Horus gave his lover a weak smile when his lover reached to his belly and rubbed it gently.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Something like th3 attached? But rhey would be both kneeling down)

Al held Horus up when his knees went weak. He spread the clear cum from Horus on his belly, making it all shiny from his own load, and smiled. "Yea... it's so good.... this is indeed lovemaking I guess. I feel so... fulfilled. Content. Happy." He said telling Horus how he felt, and laid down with his member still buried in Horus. He rubbed his belly and was happily imagining it a little bigger because of how he had cum inside of Horus. He sighed contently as he held Horus tight and all he could smell was the swwet taste of the human. "This feels so good.... this is like a dream." It indeed was great to finally enjoy this intimacy with his mate.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

(Yeah, that's what I was imaging.)

Horus was laying down on his side when Al hugged from the behind. His cock was still inside his ass, and it felt so warm. "Yeah, it's like a dream, Al. thanks for giving me such a good time." He whispered. He couldn't see his lover now, but they both would feel the same. The room was warm from their sex, was It was covered with the scent of their sweat. Horus was so tired now, and he didn't even know if he could get out of thre bed to clean himself. He let a soft moan again when AL pulled his cock out slowly, and indeed, there was a cum leak out from his ass.

(Ps. That pice is so cute ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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