C Dragon breeder in the Desert (w/ Dots)

(Oh, then what's with that straight inside thing? Anyway....)

"Oops…" Al chuckled seeing the small trickle of cum leaking out of Horus. "Try to hold it in?" He said scooping the fluid up and tried to push it back inside of Horus - then he remmebered the little incident from before. He frowned and mentally kicked himself for forgrtting the tear Horus suffered from. He sat up and pushed open Horus' knees to look at his injury. Apparently Horus misunderstood him, thought that he wanted another round and started struggling under Al, holding his belly like he was protecting it.

(It's fine now lol)

Horus was struggling a bit when Al started checking his tear, but he finally realized it. He smiled with how caring his lover was. "It's fine, Al" He said, looking back at his lover, but in fact, his tear was bad after their long sex. He let out a painful moan when Al reached to it, and he might need some healing balm. Al also seemed to be guilty with that, and he tried to find the healing balm inside the room, and it was prepared for some reason by his servants although the dragon never anted that with his healing ability. "I should clean that first, Al. Can you help me?" He said as Horus couldn't even get out of the bed for any anymore.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Al had never been so clear about the difference between Horus and him. He wouldnt need any healing balm himself but for the little human, he would need that to get well. This strengthened his determination in getting them bonded as soon as possible, so that he could share his power with Horus, especially when he needed that to nurture the little ones.

He nodded, Horus' wound indeed need to be cleaned first. "And we also need to wash you and clear of all that cum ... it could lead to infection, no?" He asked reading about it in some books about humans. He lifted Horus up, he weighed nothing for Al and easily he got him into the linked bathroom. He put him on the toilet and scratched his head. "Err.... expel my cum first?"

Horus smiled with how innocent Al was with the human things. "Yeah, we need to do that, but don't worry, I can do it myself. Just help me clean my body when it's done." He said and started to reach to his ass. It wasn't easy, but he was better do it by himself, especially when the tear could be worse with any touch. He smiled again when AL seemed to don't know how to help his small carrier till Horus needed to call him for that. "Can you bring me, some water, please? Pour it here." He asked his lover since he could use his both hand to expel the cum out. It wasn't so hard, but more help would be helpful.

(Hmm, I'm thinking about the toilet in their ages. Wooden one, maybe?)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Oh yea, hadn't thought about that... maybe a large wooden bucket)

Just seeing Horus reach behind to get his cum out was sexy enough that al was finding his member hardening again. He groaned at himself, how easily this little human managed to arouse his desire. He had to tturn away, especially since Horus reaching back made his back arch forward, and therefore his belly looked even larger. He cleared his throat and nodded at his lover's request for water, and went out. He was about to ask the servants to help with that, but then thought he should take care of his mate himself and went to the kitchen himself for it, and returned very quickly, just in time to see Horus scrunching up his face and moaning when he pushed his load out - both hands holding his buttocks. His nose flet itchy and he was afriad he might have been nosebleeding. All he could do was gaze at Horus.

It was the moment that Horus wanted to push the load from his deepest side when made him moan that Al entered the toilet. It was one of Horus's sexiest moments when he arched his back and spread his ass to wide. Horus couldn't help but smiled when he could see how Al was struggling with his desire. "Al?" He called his lover as AL seemed to enjoyed his lover, and didn't walk inside. "Let's do it quick. We should rest now." He said, getting the water from his lover. Horus was so tired from his first sex and he needed to rest as soon as possible. "Opss" He moaned when he accidentally touched his soreness. Although his soreness was that bad, he would definitely need to rest tomorrow.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Can i join?

(Sorry, but this is close rp.)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Hermlover69: Please note this is a closed rp... if you want to start an rp, I would appreicate you pm either of us instead of just dropping a message here)

Al cleared his throat and shifted on his legs uneasily, then grumbled something like a "yes" after handing Horus the water. He glanced at Horus with the corner of his eyes and had to take a deep breath to will his erection down. Thi swas really too much of a challenge for him....

When he was sure he was calm enough, Al came to Horus and lifted him up bridal style. He smirked when he saw water still dripping from Horus' bottom and then quickly used a towel to wipe him down. He didn't think a shower should be necessary, with how tired his little human was. The wipe cleaned both of them of sweat, and Al brought Horus back to their bed. He snuggled close and extinguished the fire around the room, and slept with him in the nice scent of rose.

Horus was so tired, so he falt asleep quickly He didn't even realize how he hug his husband tightly The scent of rise was so nice but Al's warmth was something that made him sleep comfortably. He even dreamed about their first night. Horus used to dream about their nightmare night, but it had gone now. Ho also muttered Al's name during his sleep.
Horus wok up at the morning with the sound of the birds outside. Al was still sleeping on his side, and Horus was surprised with how his lover was so handsome even during his sleep. He smiled at his lover when Al seemed to realize his lover and opened his eyes slowly. "Good morning, honey." He whispered, smiling softly. It was still easrly, so they chose t cuddle on the bed.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Mornin' angel...." Al slurred, closing his eyes again as a smile appeared on his handsome face. He wrapped his long arms around the smaller human and playfully pressed him towards his chest, lighty nudging Horus' belly onto his abdomen. He laughed at the surprised yelp from Horus and kissed him without opening his eyes. "Slept well, my love?" He asked moving his thumb on his back. "I slept very well with my little mate beside me.. I never know sleep could be that much better when I have something to hold on to." Al said and opened his eyes once more, gazing straight into Horus.

Horus didn't answer for a moment, but just closed his eyes, and enjoy the scent of his lover. He opened his eyes and looked up to his lover when Al started rubbing his hair gently. "Yeah, It's good with you beside me. It's such a long time since I can feel the warmth from other people in the morning," he said, smiling softly. He used to sleep with his brother before he died last year, but it wasn't this close, so this might be better. He wanted to enjoy this moment for a bit more, but he suddenly felt something that made him gasp. It was the first kick from tier babies. He wasn't sure at first, but it couldn't be other things. The movement inside belly was real now. It was slightly but Horus could feel it clearly. "T....they ..are kik ing" Horus said with his shaking voice. He was so happy, and almost cried out.
(I hope 5 months isn't too early for baby kicking)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Oh they are baby dragons, so they would be strong. And probably grow a lot faster from now on since Al's power was compensating now)

"what?" Al pushed himself halfway up from the bed and asked, curiously. He didn't expect movement this quick, but he also wasnt the expert in this. He quickly laid his palms on Horus' belly, anxiously feeling around. "where? Is it little kicks? Strokes? Can I feel it as well?" He asked, but wasn't feeling anything. The babies' kicks were still too soft to be felt outside of horus' belly. It could be at least a month before the pups' kick would be strong enough for Al to feel as well. Nonetheless, Al still touched around anxiously, even laying his head on Horus' belly, muttering in ancient dragon languages urging his young to move again. In the process, his split tongue snaked through Horus' bare belly and caused the human to laugh from how ticklish it was.

Horus laughed out loud when his lover did that. He pat his back, telling him to stop. "You're so naughty, Al. What's if your servants see this?" He joked, smiling softly. "Ahh, again!" He shouted, teasing his lover as Horus knew that Al wouldn't be able to feel that. "Hmm, babies, don't listen to your daddy. Mommy is here. Listen to human langue." He teased his lover again with how he could only feel their babies now. He couldn't help but smiled widely when Al was frowning. The dragon lord seemed to be sad for a moment before he got back and hugged his lover tightly and rubbed his belly with one hand.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

The dragon pouted, and settled wirh just hugging Horus, before changing his mind again and whispered to Horus' belly something else, and got up to smile triumphantly at Horus. His smile was mischievous and he kissed Horus on his lips very quixkly. "You would pay for this, I am sure. Soon you would hope they wouldnt kick you as frequently. They would kick you.all the time, at the most embarrassing times...." he didnt continue but just looked at Horus thoughtfully. He was surely lookinf forward to when the babies are strong enough to make their daddy feel their kicks as well.

"Hmm, you would also pay for this, Al. You will need to stay with me all the time if that happens." He joked. He spent a bit more time until the breakfast time. Horus tried to grt up as the way he always did, but he groaned in pain when he tried to sit on the bed. It was worse than he thought. He could sit on the bed now since it was soft enough, but he definitely wouldn't be able to sit on the hard surface today. Al could see how his lover was struggling with the pain. It seemed that he was enjoying at the first but then he could realize how bad it was. Although Horus hadn't asked for any help, he would really want it.

(What is the last line? but It's fine ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Oops sorry forgot to delete it... i just changed my mind)

Al could track all the changes in Horus' expression and guessed what happened when he sat up. He was still happy and smiling when he moved, then he realised his waist and bottom was hurting and his look was a little bit more serious, and when he finally sat up all the way Al could see from Horus biting his lips that he was suppressing a pained hiss. Al was there in a second, gently holding Horus' waist. "Dont force yourself.... is it just your muscle getting sore, or is it your tear was hurting?" He asked with concern. He also supported Horus' waist so he could lean back against him and move away from his sore spots.

He knew that Al would be so guilty if he said that is was his fault, so he just smiled at his lover and leaned against his lover for getting some rest. "It's both reasons, Al, but it's also my fault. I should be more careful." He said, trying to move by himself, and sit on the bed again, but his swollen opening was the problem. His tear could be bleeding again if he forced himself too much. Horus could only sigh with how he was so weak. "I'm sorry for bothering you again, Al, but I may need your help," He said while AL was helping him to his on his lap, so his opening wouldn't touch to the bed. Horus was so guilty since Al should be able to do his work if he didn't get this sick.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Al sighed "you are too good to me Horus...." Al stroked Horus' belly and lifted him up bridal style. "I have the responsibility and right to take care of you, on top of being your mate.... I am also the one causing this, isnt it?" He said looking serious. "I would be herr for you when you need me, always." He smiled amd took him to the bathroom. He did their morning routines and in between it, asked Horus to lean forward agaisnt the counter so he could chevk his opening again. His bottom was jutted out in this.posture, Al was finding it difficult to resist even though it was an innocent one. He calmed himself and spread Horus' buttocks, and frowned at how swollen it was. "I am applying more balm.... relax." He said scooping up some mint-based balm to Horus' oprning that was very small and tight with the swell.

Horus closed his eyes while Al was applying the balm to his opening. He didn't feel any arousal from that since it was still morning and his opening was tight now. Horus smiled when It was finished and he could see how Al's member was standing already. "This is just the morning, Al." He whispered as he turned around, facing his lover. The balm was also cool that made him more comfortable. "You may need to stay with me all day, maybe we can do something that doesn't hurt my opening even more after the breakfast." He said, smiling at his lover. They were so close, and Al couldn't resist to lean forward and kissed his lover. Hors couldn't clearly see Al's perfect build a t this moment, and his love could also see Horus's slim, but big at the middle body as well.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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