C Dragon breeder in the Desert (w/ Dots)

Alkaid was very worried for how drained his lover was. He grabbed him tight around his waist and cradled his belly as he hurriedly made his way out of this place. He couldnt carry him in his dragon form and he had to tighten the robe on Horus to get his attention. "Horus, it would be alright very soon, we are going home where it is safe." He said pressing another kiss on him and changed shape.

It has become even more diffiuclt for Horus to climb up his back, not only because he had been drained of energy, but also from his belly getting more in the way. Al waited patiently, letting Horus work his way up his back, and wriggled his wings as a final confirmation that the human was ready, before soaring into the sky at full speed, wanting to get back home at once to sooth and calm his lover. The dragon's heart ached for how much Horus had endured just now, he wanted nothing more than to hold Horus tight in their home.

The flight took just a short time with how fast Al flew in the sky, and also Plutus's power that made his lover fly even faster. Horus heled Al's scale tightly all the way back home. It was the moment that he really wanted his lover now. he wanted Al to old him in his embrace. He wanted his word to calm him down from the ancient magic. Al couldn't notice how the ancient magic had still remained and it sank deeper into Horus's heart now. A human said nothing when they got home, but he finally cried out just the moment that AL had changed back to his human form. "i...I'm sorry, Al. I...I'm sorry for being a human. I shouldn't be here with you." It was the magic that urged him to run away from his lover no matter how his belly was big now, but Al could hold him in time. A dragon seemed to notice something bad from his lover, and only his love could make Horus better.

(I hope this won't be too fast haha)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Haha not at all, it's perfect)

Al's heart almost stopped seeing Horus tried to run away, holding his belly with both hands. He might even chuckle if he wasnt so scared, and was thankful for once Horus was only human and he could not cimpete with him in speed or strength. He tugged him in his hug tight and repeatedly muttered his love. "Horus dont go, I love you, I love you so much you are more precious than my life. You are my everything.... if you ever leave me, I would die." He said as seriously as he could, holding Horus who was still struggliing in his arms, the front of his robe was all wet fron Horus' nonstop tears.

Sensinf the ancient magic was still affecting Horus, he picked him up and while his feet was off the ground, Horus tightly gripped Al's neck from naturla instinct - and finally stopped struggling.

Horus didn't even realize what he had done, but Al's words had changed everything. A great dragon showed him so much passion to his human. It reminded Horus how he wasn't just a human but he was Al's human. An only human that could stand on the side of a great dragon, and an only human that a great dragon was grateful to spend his whole life with. He had already stopped struggling but Horus couldn't stop his tears now. It was running down on his chest and his belly, but at least, he didn't want to run away anymore. He quickly too his lover to the bedroom since Horus needed to rest as soon as possible. He had passed through many things during this trip. Although a sea dragon didn't seem to be happy, they still had other elders, especially Plutus who was always with them. "S....sory, Al" Horus whispered when Al placed him down on the bed and sat beside him. He didn't know the reason, but he just needed to say it.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Dont say sorry my love.... you didnt know how strong you already demonstrated yourself to be. You have been so brave all along, proved your worth to the elders. I am so proud of you babe, i am very glad I am your mate." Al said praising Horus of his worth. It was ibdeed a difficult trip, even without being pregnant, it was hard for tbr human to get through the 2-week journey. What they had been through inPoseidus' place was especially testing, but Horus proved himelf to be brave and had tried to withstand the powerful ancient magic.

Al hugged Horus tight. At first he wiped away his tears by his thumb, then when eh found that they wouldnt stop falling from Horus' eyes, he kissed them away. He would nibble kisses along his face. Once a new drop fall, he would kiss on the trail left by it, until even Horus laughed at how silly he was.

The tears had finally stopped, and Horus smiled at his lover. He was so tired now, and AL knew that he needed to let him rest, but his body was covered with the tears. the dragon knew that he needed to clean it out, but Horus couldn't even go to the bathroom now. Horus smiled when his lover started to take his robe off slowly, showing his growing belly. It was bigger than 2 weeks ago, and it would even bigger. "Thanks, Al" He smiled at his lover when he finally took his wet robe off. Al kissed his lover before leaving to the bathroom for the wet towels. He needed to clean all tears, and also the sea water from their last place. Al could see how Horus almost fell asleep when he walked back to the bed and his both hand was covering his belly protectively.

(We can skip to the scene when AL had passed out from how he put lots of pressure on himself or we can play other scenes before it if you have an idea)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(I thought Al would pass out after that ritual, which is to happen after the wedding? So we skip that wedding?)

Al took the wet towel and cleaned Horus. He dabbed the warm wet cloth on his face and wipe down his body, staying especially long on his belly after Horus had fallen asleep. It was nice seeing the human calmed down. He hated it when Horus said he wanted to leave him.

Al couldnt rest yet, he went back out to ask his butler and others for the piled up matters in office. Theyvalso asked him about the arrangements of the wedding - they only have one week left now, and there was a lot of things needed to be decided and Al in the end worked through the night, only returning to the bedroom when the Sun was rising up.

(Oh, not Al, I mean Horus hehe when he put too much pressure on himself from preparing for the wedding day, but I think skip to wedding day is better hehe)

One week had passed and it was so fast when they both had to prepared for many things. Horus couldn't even take over the decorations part along anymore when his belly got bigger and he got tired easily, making it even harder work for Al, but a dragon seemed to please with it since he could let Horus rest even more when the twins were growing fast. Everything had been done just the day before the wedding day, but they both were so happy with it. They would really become each other tomorrow and nothing could be happier than this.

It was 3 a.m. in the morning but they both needed to wake up this early to prepare themselves. Horus's wedding clothes had been fixed even in the last second since his belly had changed in every single day. A human opened his eyes when his lover had woken him up. Al didn't look fresh with how he worked so hard for this, but they would do it for the best. "Good morning, Al" Horus whispered at his lover when he helped him up from the bed. It took a bit time for him to get his balance but he finally did it. "I can't believe this, Al" A human whispered. the dragon didn't say, but, instead, placing a soft kiss on him. They would become a wife and husband in next hours, and it felt like a dream.

They weren't surprised when Plutus had arrived a night before a wedding day. Their Pop was so excited, and he also brought something for them. Plutus knew how they both were restless, so he would give them a breath of the volcano which was an ancient magic that made both of them fresh and ready for their most important day.

(haha, I hope it's good)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Ohh yea sure, let's skip)

"Good morning lovely." Al said smiling into the kiss Horus gave him. He couldn't quite believe that, before he had been too busy to really think about it. But at 3am now, waking up already to prepare for the wedding, getting dressed and all, the idea hit him. He was very soon going to be bonded for life with this human, the love of his life, and it was as amazing as he could imagine. He held around his belly and smiled looking into the full-body mirror in frotn of them. His belly was just loosely covered by teh white robe Horus wore for sleeping, and Al held it from underneath, making the swell obvious. "You look stunning. Teh breath of volcano worked very well on you." The present that his pop brought was just the thing they both needed. After sleeping in that magically filled breath for the few hours that night, both of them felt refreshed and both their cheeks were tinted with a healthy glow - a sign of the volcano's power.

As they did their mornign cleanisng, routine, people came in buzzling in their room. It was so crowded with people, each busy tidying up their bodies, with over 20 pieces of charms and decorative little pendants to be hung on different places of their robes. It was a wedding, but a lot of draconic traditions were added into it that had the pair even more dressed up than usual. Their robes were white, but with intricate patterns embroidered on them that made them look like king and queen.

They both dressed in the same room, but different corner since they wanted to see each other when it was done and perfect. They were so lucky that Pop was there with them, so he could go outside and took care of the guests before everything had done. It was the wedding in the garden, so they needed to make sure that AL wouldn't burn it with his excitement.
Al has finished first, and he was waiting for his lover to come out. Horus's robe was a lot harder to wear since the consort's robe would have more decorationand also his big belly that the people would need to make sure that it wasn't too tight for him when he needed to wear it for a whole day. "It's done, Sir," One of the girls said when she finally tied to robe together. Horus walked slowly to his lover who was already staring at him with his shiny eyes. A human also had the same reaction to his lover. Al looked so handsome and kind with the wedding clothes. Horus walked slowly to his lover when he opened his arms and hugged his small human tightly when they were close enough. "I'm glad to be here, Al." Horus whispered, looking up at his lover as the same time that Al placed a soft kiss on his forehead.
The last piece of the wedding decorations had been sent to each of them. It was the crowns that they would wear for each other before the ring during the wedding ceremony.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Al was stunned by how beautiful Horus was in the wedding gown. He had never seen him so refreshed and glowing. The many decorations did not take away the attention, but accompanied Horus very well. His gown also cleverly concealed his belly, masking it from the guests' eyes so they would not think Horus was too clumsy or big - of course though, Horus wasnt small and everybody could see it he was pregnant.

"I am so glad I am here to take you as mine as well.. . Finally, Horus, I could claim you as mine." He said with the gentle kiss on his forehead. He took Horus' hand and led him out, together, showing everyone that they were one now. Al took care of Horus. They were wearing sandals that had very complicated knots on them, and they were not too nice walking in even though they looked lovely. He made sure they were walking slow, in a pace that Horus could manage, and arrived at the top of th4 stairs to the garden.

Al looked at Horus and kissed his hand, then led him down the stairs. At the bottom of it was the arched doorway to the garden, and they could hear the musci playing already as the guestss waited for them to come.

The moment that they were walking down from the stairs to the garden was stunning. Since the dragon had a very long age, they didn't have the wedding ceremony so frequently. They weren't surprised when Pop was standing in the front line of all guests. He was so happy with his great-grandchild and even happier with how they would have their little dragons running around soon. All the guests were smiling with them, especially A's friends who didn't expect their friend to be this kind and nice with a human. No one could cause the problem here since all of them didn't want to handle with two great dragons, Alkaid and Plutus, at the same time.
Horus walked slowly, but not too slowly while Al was taking his hands. His belly was obvious showing how a great dragon was having his heirs. Horus could see how Al wanted to support him when he seemed to be struggling with some steps, but they should keep it as the tradition. They took some time walking to the garden where they would give a vow to each other. One of the other great dragons was there waiting to be their witness for their love. Horus's eyes was teary already when they got to the flower door where they would become one.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

They were standing on a platform filled with flowers. The floor was soft, like a meadow but instead of just grass, it was filled with little chamomiles. Al took Horus' hand and together turned to the great dragon who would be the one witnessing their vows.

The great dragon was in fact one of the grandfathers on his father's side, while Plutus was from his mother. He looked at him and saw eyes not as gentle as Plutus, but there was love and care in them as well. He nodded at him to signal that the ceremony could begin. The great dragon cleared his throat and everyone was quiet. He started on an old charm, reciting the very ancient words of their species, telling the pair about the story of love.

Horus couldn't understand the ancient dragon words, but he could guess the meaning of it. This wedding day was mixed with dragon and human style. The dragon didn't give a ring to each other but human did, and other details but it was a perfect wedding day. The elder had ended his words and looked down at the bride and groom of this wedding day. "It's time for both of you to become one. Alkaid, a great dragon, since you will be his husband, will you love this human for the entire life?" The elder asked Al who was staring at his lover. Horus was even brighter and more beautiful under the sunlight. His belly and his face were perfect for this important day. He could only smile when the elder asked that, and he knew that it was his time after this.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"I will." Alkaid answered immediately. The elder then turned to the human and asked. "Horus, as human, would you love Alkaid for the rest of your life, and to agree to be his consort in supporting the great dragon?" He asked in slightly different phrases, but equally solemny. The crown and the ring was ready at the sides, and everybody was waiting for Horus' answer as the babies kicked as well in him, and some of the front row guests could see some small movements even trhough the robe.

Alkaid just looked at Horus with his loving eyes. He wanted to imprint this in his brain, this day, when his Horus was so beautiful he once again took his heart away, would be offivially bonded to him in a few seconds, was indeed glowing under tbe sun as a breeze of wind came through and blew his hair away from his face.

"I will be here with him for my entire life," Horus said gently, looking back at his lover. the babies kicked even stronger since they might be excited with their parents. "So, when you both agree with each other, everyone will be the witness of this wedding day and after wearing the ring, you both will be husband and wife." The elder said and asked Pop to bring the rings for them. It was an honored for both of them to have someone their loved doing this. Horus and Al picked the rings from Pop, and AL was the one wearing for Horus. Horus had finally cried when AL wore a ring for him. This was so emotional, and he couldn't even stop it. He quickly wore for Al as well and they placed a deep kiss on each other, making some yelling from Al's friends and Pop's big smile.

(idk if I do this good, or rush it too fast.)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(It's fine. I thought that was beautiful)

Al smiled when his sensitive little human cried. He took the ring that fitted perfectly, and pressed Horus tight on himself az they kissed. The cheers from the group made ir even better, and Al smiled even brighter when he could feel the little ones dancing as well in Horus' belly. Everything was perfecr, even their children agree to that.

They separated, but stayed close to each other. Al looked at Horus gently and wiped away the tears on his cheek. "I am so happy as wsll Horus.... you are mine finally." He kissed him quickly again. Then he turned to Plutus for the crown. It was not a large one, but it was so brilliant decoraged, anyone would know how abundant ir was in power and blessing, on top of symbolizing the status of whoever wore it. He fitted it on Horus' head, and it lightened up his features as the magic worked to recognise Horus as rhe consort of the great dragon Alkaid.

Horus had also worn a crown for Al when he got it from Plutus. It was the bigger one and had a big clear diamond on top of it. Al needed to bend forward for that since Horus was shorter than him and he couldn't lift his arms too high with his belly was hanging in the middle. It fitted perfectly, and the crowns on their head seemed to call for each other when it was shining for a moment and let everyone know how this two people had become one. "I love you, Al," Horus whispered, smiling softly. The music started playing again after that words and it was a time to enjoy their wedding day. Horus smiled when Al walked closer and wrapped his arm around his waist tightly. A dragon seemed to know how his big belly needed to be supported when his another hand was rubbing it gently. The garden had filled with the music and happiness which had never happened here, but they both know how it could be better and better. This castle had been silent and lifeless before, but it would change sine today with their happiness and their upcoming children. They still had a long way to go and many things to prepare for their children, but at least, they would walk together and no matter what would happen, they could handle that together.

(SHould we continue the wedding day or skip to the ritual? any idea for continuing the wedding scene? I kinda lack idea now lol Ps. I just edited and added more sweet words >//< I hope you like it.)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Let me add a little more detail. I forgot how we discussed about the time between the ritual and the wedding. Maybe after all the guests had left, they would have the ritual going and then Al would faint? That's why even for their wedding night they would not do something sexy.... ;)

Amd yea I like the sweetwords!)

Al bend so low for his little human, some of the guests whispered at how it looked like the great and prideful dragon was bowing to the human, and snorted, whispered, discussed heatingly between themselves, but no matter what they thought, Al was very happy his brave little human kept his hands steady as he crowned him with the diamond crown. He knew it meant a lot for both of them, and finally Alkaid's heart belonged to someone, just like how Horus' heart belonged to him now.

He took Horus' waist and held his belly as they came down from th3 platform. The guests automatically spread to the sides so the newly wedded couple could go down the way and went to the cleared land in front of the fountain to start the first dance againstthe musci and the great sunshine. Al gently held Horus at his back, quite sure he would be feeling tired because he had to stand up straight for the whole morning already, and started their dance leading the little human.

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