Family Life

"Twins? Babe, you can't really control that. It just kind of...happens," Aaron responded with a rub of his slick belly. "Though I would love a belly with twins inside..."

" I can make it happen plus I heard there's vitamins you can take that helps prove your chances for twins..." Liam smirked and Caleb started crying Liam got up " I'll get him babe"

"Bring him out to the kitchen. He might be hungry," Aaron said. Even though Caleb was eating solid food, a quick breastfeed usually helped calm down a fussy child.

Liam nodded and carried his son to the kitchen Caleb was cranky and throwing a fit " Caleb stop it!" Liam said sternly staring at his child to let him know he was in charge

"Give him here, babe," Aaron said as Liam handed Caleb to him. "Shhhh, calm down baby." Aaron carried his firstborn over to the couch and sat him on his belly. He exposed his breast and Caleb latched on, starting to drink and calm down.

Liam shook his head " he's getting to old for that he has teeth he can eat solid food and he doesn't listen to me...he's starting to get spoiled"

Aaron shook his head. "I know. He doesn't hurt me. But you need to calm him down before you can discipline or he'll get more upset. Just let him nurse for a while," he said, stroking their son's hair as he nursed.

Liam nodded and sat beside Aaron rubbing Caleb's back " your better at the father thing then I am.."

"I'm home with them all the time, babe. This is my job now. I'm a full time dad. I know them very well," Aaron said, smiling down at his son. "You are not a bad father, Liam. But you have to remember that he's only two."

" yeah but I don't know I was raised differently my father was very strict " Liam leaned in kissing him deeply " I love our family so much..."

"I love you too babe. You know, I kind of want twins after this little guy gets here..." he said, rubbing his belly under Caleb's nursing body.

Liam smiled " will make sure you have twins..." Liam rubbed Aaron's belly smiling

Caleb detached and Aaron slowly stood up. "Alright, gotta get dinner," he said, beginning the waddle back to the kitchen.

(What do you wanna do from here?)

Liam smiled watching Aaron waddle
( ultrasound)

The next week passed without much activity. Aaron already had his jacket on when Liam arrived home. "Sitter's here, babe. We have the ultrasound today, remember?"

Liam looked at Aaron wide eyes and sighed " I completely forgot baby are we going right now?" He asked looking a little overwhelmed

"Well, it's scheduled in an hour, so yeah we have to go right now," Aaron replied, placing a hand on his belly.

Liam nodded and took Aaron hand " bad day at work. Babe"

"Help me into the car and we'll talk on the way there," Aaron sat as he gently sat down and buckled the seatbelt over his belly. Liam sat down with a sigh next to him and started backing up. "What's wrong, babe?"

" I had to fire more of my friends and I'm working on a big project and it's just stressful because this project was just thrown on me..." Liam squeezed Aaron's hand

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