Family Life

Aaron happily read a paternity magazine until the nurse called their names. "Aaron Goodwin?" he called.

Liam smiled and pulled Aaron up they took him to the back and weighed and measured him then put him in a room Liam holding his hand as they waited for the doctor

"I'm a bit big around for three months. Let's hope its twins, babe," Aaron said, squeezing his husband's hand.

Liam smiled " I know it is..."

(Are you playing the doctor again?)

( sure ) the doctor walked in smiling " hello Aaron 4th pregnancy I see? How are you feeling? Anything abnormal I need to know about before I do the ultrasound "

"Number four right here," Aaron said with a smile and rub of his belly. "Liam and I think it's twins. I'm certainly bigger than normal."

The doctor smiled and nodded " well let's check..." He smeared on the gel and moved the machine around and 2 figures popped up on the screen the doctor smiled " congratulations it is twins " he moved the machine again and the sounds of 2 heartbeats filled the room Liam smiled squeezing Aaron's hand

The multiple THWOMP-THWOMPs of fetal heartbeats confirmed Aaron's suspicions and hopes. Twins! "We're having twins, babe," he said aloud.

Liam smiled and leaned down kissing him deeply smiling " twins"

Aaron glady returned the kiss before turning to the doctor. "I know this is my fourth pregnancy, but I've never carried twins before. What should I expect?"

The doctor smiled " well I want to put you in special vitamins and twin pregnancys are a little high risk so I want a visit once a month and they'll probably come early because most twins do"

"Certainly. Thank you, Doctor," Aaron smiled as he left the room. "Wow, there's two babies in here, Liam," Aaron said as he rubbed his belly.

Liam smiled and leaned down kissing Aaron's belly " hello babies I'm daddy "

"I'm only three months, babe. They won't be able to hear you until the third trimester," Aaron laughed. A grin crossed his face. "Imagine how big I'm gonna be..."

Liam smiled wide " I can't wait...get ready for sex all the time I won't be able to keep my hands of you"

Aaron grinned devilishly. "Pregnant sex is the best sex. I can't wait to be waddling after the kids. You have no idea how good it feels to cuddle Aidan when I'm so big," he said as he got up from the table. "Ready to go, babe?"

Liam smiled and nodded taking his hand and leading him to the car

Now that he was definitely expecting twins, Aaron was ecstatic as he buckled himself into the car. "Halfway to 10 kids, Liam."

Liam smiled wide " is that our new goal 10? Because we can try for triplets next time" Liam joked

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