Demon Life

Ryne groaned. "Alright. But you owe me one." He said as he went up and entered Raven, pumping into her.

Raven nodded moaning at feeling him inside her. During the pleasure she was feeling Raven felt a slight pain but ignored it wanting to feel her release, "I'm so close."

Ryne pumped faster and faster into Raven. He finally climaxed into her, filling her up.

Raven smiled feeling their climax as he filled her up pulling off to lay beside her. Letting him get back to sleep, Raven laid there going to sleep however was awakened by some strong pains, "Oh Ryne, Ryne!!!"

Ryne woke up in a panic. "What?! What is it?!" He asked frantically.

"It hurts the babies are coming..." Raven grabbed her stomach the contractions strong, "Please get me to the birthing room."

Ryne nodded as he took Raven to the birthing room. He helped Raven onto a birthing stool to start.

Raven held onto Ryne as the contractions were coming on top of each other causing her to cry out in the pain. Not able to take the process, Raven spoke to her children, "Come on out, my babies, please start coming one by one."

Ryne massaged Raven's hips. "Oh god! What do I do? What do I do?!" He asked.

"You need to stay calm, that's the main thing." Raven told him trying to pant through the pains feeling her children lining up getting ready to come out. Letting out a scream, Raven grabbed onto Ryne feeling her babies pushing through her birth canal.

Ryne rubbed Raven's belly. "This is my fault! If we hadn't do it, you wouldn't be in pain! I should be in pain, not you!" He said frantically.

Raven shook her head, "If you had, it could have killed you going through a second time." Raven squeezed his hand starting to push her children down the canal and out of her as the day passed into the night and second day. Raven had managed to birth over half of them however was becoming exhausted.

Ryne shook his head as he rubbed Raven's belly. "I wish there was something I could do! Anything!"

"Just stay with me, don't leave me." Raven panted trying to catch a breathe looking at all the babies, " many are left."

Rybe felt around in Raven's belly. "Too many to count. Keep pushing, your belly has gotten smaller." He stated.

Raven nodded continuing to push her babies out but found her strength leaving her, "I can't do anymore, I need you to repeat some words for me. It's going get the rest of the babies out but I'm too weak to do it. Please Ryne I need your help with this. The children will listen to you since you are their father." Raven panted holding onto him.

Ryne nodded. "Okay! What do you want me to say?" He asked.

Raven told him the words knowing they would get the babies out quickly. Grabbing onto his hand, Raven spreaded her legs wider waiting for him to say them.

Ryne spoke the words quietly into Raven. The babies seemed to listen as they stopped thrashing about and started to cause pleasure to Raven.

Raven moaned glad the pain wasn't there but soon managed to keep pushing the babies out. As the night began to fall, Raven arched her back pushing the last baby out before her body dropped exhausted from the ordeal and days of laboring.

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